General Carowinds discussion
By uscbandfan
Thinking of riding up this morning and trying to get a ride on copperhead before the rain. How can I find out if the park is closing or not?
By uscbandfan
Yeah. I was just hoping that they WOULD open. Rain is scheduled to arrive just after 10:00. Wanna get some ERT.
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By tarheel1231
Just keep an eye on their social media channels. They’ll likely update if they’re not opening. But unless it’s actively thundering, the rides should be open.
By Coasterphreak
Going into the peak summer season, it's pretty safe to assume the park will be open rain or shine unless there's actual flooding because it rained for a week straight.

That said, I won't be surprised to see them shuttering the waterpark more often than in past years due to weather. (see: today)

Check back Tuesday to laugh when I eat these words after we get six inches over the weekend.
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By yawetag
They apparently closed early today (7pm), based on some replies to their social media posts.