General Carowinds discussion
I think this will be a great addition to Carowinds. However, where would this fit in their 50 million dollar budget? I'm not so sure how much these things cost, but I know that with everything already coming in 2015, Carowinds is pretty close to reaching that 50 million dollar point not leaving that much money for 2016.

If this rumor ends up being true, where would we see this be put? I would think somewhere by the Thunder Road parking lot.
^Someone correct me if I' wrong, but if it's anything like Ripcord is, Carowinds wouldn't have to pay too much out of pocket, as it would be from a 3rd party company and they would receive a percentage of the profits from the up-charge.
When the Dinos are removed, I would hope that area would be transformed into an expanded Planet Snoopy. That's be the best way to make that land benefit the park. Maybe add a pond with a nice snoopy fountain or something equally as cheesy.

I agree with everybody else... County Fair needs SOMETHING more!

Then again maybe a sling shot will be one of those "Thrill Zone" surprises? :think:
It might fit inside Hurler's in-field or the spot next to Fury, between the bathrooms and the wooded area surrounding the rapids? Who knows.
Carowinds is pretty close to reaching that 50 million dollar point not leaving that much money for 2016.

I guess it's good that water slides aren't expensive and since the park reportedly used some time and money in 2014 to add infrastructure to an area where a good expansion for the waterpark could go, perhaps they won't have to spend a lot to get a lot for 2016.
Considering we don't even know how realistic this rumor is, I wouldn't call guessing it's placement crazy. lol

But that spot in front of Scream Weaver would be interesting. They know attendance will be heavy on that side of the park come next season, maybe putting it dead in the middle of Thrill Zone will help the area live up to it's name a bit more and also traffic in some paying customers! Plus they aren't too space-consuming, just two big posts really.

I'm all for this Slingshot idea.
You hear me CF! :thumbup:
Legoguy1395 wrote:Crazy theory: What about those two tents next to Hurler that Carowinds told us to watch out for? Could this be the actual reason? (I know, third time I've brought this up lol, but could this be the one?)

I'm still reserving that spot for a MaXair. lol
^ I too want a MaXair. I'm hoping we get one in 2016. It's certainly needed.

I believe I've only ridden one Slingshot ride before and it was fairly small but I liked it.
An open one, like Cedar Point's, would probably be even more fun.
You won't be getting a 'maxair' anytime soon because there isn't anyone currently building them. Huss, the owner of the patents for the ride, went out of business, and another company (now also called Huss, but Huss in name only) owns the patents and, while they're wiling to license them out, most other manufacturers have a similar product.

A similar product would be possible, but unlikely for 2016...
Edwardo wrote:You won't be getting a 'maxair' anytime soon because there isn't anyone currently building them. Huss, the owner of the patents for the ride, went out of business, and another company (now also called Huss, but Huss in name only) owns the patents and, while they're wiling to license them out, most other manufacturers have a similar product.

A similar product would be possible, but unlikely for 2016...

Anything can happen, within reason of course.
But I agree it's very unlikely for 2016, that won't stop wishful thinking though. lol

And to address the whole "Maxair" word usage, I think (at least on this forum) it has become synonymous with any large pendulum Frisbee ride, be it a Huss Giant Frisbee, a Zamperla Giant Discovery, etc. It's one of the most commonly requested park additions brought up on this site.
^I rode MaXair at Cedar Point last year, awesome ride! I'd definitely love to see one at Carowinds eventually.
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