General Carowinds discussion
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By gabed
Sean and I are at the park today. Happened to see a group of 6-8 park (cooperate?) officials talking. Curious, we followed them into the Thrills shop near Fury.

Now, please take the following with A GRAIN OF SALT. I'm not inferring anything or saying anything is definitely happening. However, we heard them use the words Christmas and elves a lot. As well as throwing ideas about where certain objects would go. I don't know what kind of objects, but it sounds like a Christmas event. Again, take that with a grain of salt.

To prove I'm not making this up, here's a pic of the employees.

Yes I know it's creepy to snap photos like that but I know no one would have believed me.
By RollerBee
^Hey a ghost just showed up, back to the Mansion with you....Scooby-Doo has been looking for you.
Carowinds2005, are you still under Cedar Fair's rulebook?
Last edited by RollerBee on June 30th, 2016, 3:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Jonathan
Well I feel kind of bad about this one, but no point trying to contain it. Just all around bad luck being in the wrong place at the wrong time to have that conversation.

Splitting this into a new thread.
By Carowinds2005
^^ Departed 4 years ago after 7 years of sr seasonal ops service.

I just like to sit back and read and sprinkle little hints here and there to fuel conversation. 8)
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By Jarsh
I'm guessing they've noticed how popular Holiday In The Park has become in the Six Flags chain. Hopefully they noticed that Six Flags spent MILLIONS of dollars and are trying to do right by a Christmas event.
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By arby
Most of us suspected it was coming to Carowinds but it's nice to hear some confirmation that it seems likely we'll have it in the next year or two.

I think they finally realized how much revenue they were leaving out there since CF cancelled our original Winterfest after the acquisition.
By Cameron
If they are already planning out where stuff could be going I would not be surprised to see it start this year with an announcement coming Aug or September.

Love that winterfest is coming back. Couldn't be any happier!
By Rhyano
This to me isn't a suprise, as Christmas events get more and more common, it's no surprise for Cedar Fair to start expanding into extending the season. Now.... If only we can get it back at Kings Island, Ryan- Ki Fanboy
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By pproteinc
Well I don't see why not. I thought we would've had it 2-3 years ago especially being these days with dare I say global warming it doesn't really get cold cold until early to mid January in these parts.