- October 10th, 2016, 10:32 am
I highly doubt that Fury in its current form would have been built at CP. But he was budgeting a 300' B&M for CP and it got moved to Carowinds. Just like Knott's got moved to CW.
Enthusiasts look at what they got out of Kinzel. But from a purely business point of view, the last few years he was there were terrible.
He tried to undervalue the entire company and sell it to a low ball bidder which would only have benefitted him and his family. Even if that's the ONLY misstep he had, that's a VERY bad thing. Had he not over paid for paramount, and not purchased Geauga lake, the company would likely have continued their dividend payouts, not had a bad few quarters with declines, and on top of that, we wouldn't have Fury, and Carowinds and Knotts wouldn't have gotten the amount of love they've gotten since he's been gone.
And those attendance boosts (they weren't huge, don't know where that info came from) were offset by maintenance costs from poorly designed rides.
Heck, after all of the intamin issues, he still installed Shoot the Rapids. That's millions down the drain for a flawed ride.
Perspective is one thing, but facts show that Kinzel mismanaged during the latter half of his tenure. If that wasn't true, he and his son would still be running parks.
403 Coasters and counting...