General Carowinds discussion
By RollerBee
GCI is the ones, hence.why I think it means nothing to a New coaster. I would say new trains or more work on Thunder Road if anything.
I think the only reason that GCI stake is there is because of the track work that was done on Thunder Road.
For 2012, that Giant Frisbee would be such a cool sight to see.
Planet Snoopy needs a Frog Hopper/Mini Drop Ride added to their line up of childrens rides also.
But I have to agree. The park is becoming to top heavy. Add, or move a ride like Gr8 Sk8 down near Drop Tower.
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By carowindsman6654
There were never any GCI stakes installed in the ground when track work was being done on Thunder Road over the last few years, so why would them getting installed now be related to that? :? Also, these stakes are located between the action theater and Thunder Road exit along the pathway not along the Thunder Road coaster track layout. I don't see how the two things (stakes and track reconstruction) can be involved with each other due to this. In my opinion, Carowinds is either getting a new GCI coaster or it's a trick by management. Most likely the latter.
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By The Coaster Critic
I'd have to think that this new GCI stake means that the Huss GF stakes were labeled intentionally. I was hoping that wasn't a mistake. Theme parks have to know that these days any clues or signs of new construction activity will be noticed by us rabid theme park fans.

I'm not sure how I feel about a GCI woodie. I'm partial to Gravity Group, but to be fair I haven't ridden any of the newer GCI's except Thunderhead. There's probably nothing to it, but does anyone know why GG hasn't built anything at a chain yet? Are SF and CF going for GCI's because of a long term agreement of some sort, or are they cheaper when bought in bulk (ie. a two park deal), etc?
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By carowinds4ever
I don't see a GCI going up right next to thunderroad. And I don't see them tearing thunderroad out considering all the money they have spent on retracking.
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By coasterbruh
Guys, in my opinion, forget a new coaster anytime soon. Hell, Intimidator is still practically a brand new coaster. Why would they want to steal its thunder with another coaster this soon?

I think the stakes are "white lightin part 2" I wouldn't put much effort in trying to figure it all out.
By Picklesthedrummer
I agree with Coasterbruh. I dont think a new coaster is till 2013 for the park's 40th anniversary. I think it's gonna be a Huss Giant Frisbee like we have all been talking about, which I would be really excited to see put into Carowinds.
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By RiDeWaRrIoR
Agreed, I do believe it to be a Huss giant frisbee, because the stakes say GF, and because the layout of the stakes are rectangle and looks to be about the lenghth and width of a huss GF (79ft x 49ft) I think there is also a larger version as well that is 101ft x 64ft. I do wish they would move gr8 sk8 more into planet snoopy and would be able to install the Huss ride near where gr8 sk8 is, its going to look crowded with intimidator, the Huss ride, and gr8 sk8 so close, but I am sure however they do it, it will work out great.
By Picklesthedrummer
It will fit in there. You don't need a ton of space in order to fit one. There is a lot of stuff around Maxair at Cedar Point.
RiDeWaRrIoR wrote:Agreed, I do believe it to be a Huss giant frisbee, because the stakes say GF, and because the layout of the stakes are rectangle and looks to be about the lenghth and width of a huss GF (79ft x 49ft) I think there is also a larger version as well that is 101ft x 64ft. I do wish they would move gr8 sk8 more into planet snoopy and would be able to install the Huss ride near where gr8 sk8 is, its going to look crowded with intimidator, the Huss ride, and gr8 sk8 so close, but I am sure however they do it, it will work out great.

I think they should move Gr8 Sk8 down behind The Coca Cola Cool Zone & Drop Tower. So the park would not be so cramped up in the front. Then they can replace Gr8 Sk8's old location with something smaller. But I agree also, however they manage to work it out it's fine with me. At least we are getting a flat. A great one at that. 8)

Maybe if we were to get a GCI in 2013, the station would occupy where Action Theater is. Who knows? Maybe they are just playing with our heads. But I feel that whole entire area is fine the way it is. Just build a coaster along the lines of Maverick that is bigger and taller down in the backside of the Hurler.
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By Wormy
And thanks to Edwardo and carowindsman6654 for spotting this one:

If you're confused, search this site for "viral marketing". Play along for a month, but try to use some common sense.
By hdmech
Ummm, guys? I just found out that GF could stand for "ground fault" which is a type of powerline.......I guess that this means we could be getting some other huss ride......but I could always be wrong (as I have been in the past) but if it is not a Giant next guess would be a giant top spin......I could be wrong
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By carowindsman6654
hdmech wrote:Ummm, guys? I just found out that GF could stand for "ground fault" which is a type of powerline.......I guess that this means we could be getting some other huss ride......but I could always be wrong (as I have been in the past) but if it is not a Giant next guess would be a giant top spin......I could be wrong

GCI stands for ground connection interface. It's for underground powerlines. I knew it.
By hmiem81
Wow its been a while since I've looked at stakes in the ground around here. So I come out of hiding for my 2 cents.

Isn't it peculiar that these stakes just happen to be planted the weekend of Coasterstock and they are all written by the same person (look at the handwriting) and they are more telling then most other survey markings are (using code that people at COASTERstock would understand easily). Also, they are in a place that is easily accessible to the general public with out much (or any) security entanglement.

Heck, Wormy didn't even have to ride the Sky Tower this time!

I smell marketing all over this!
By Edwardo
Yeah, I definitely think that it's suspect that these posts were in the ground just before an enthusiast event. And obviously they read the boards (I remember them admitting that last year), so this is most likely their buildup to a 2012 announcement (Please don't be a windseeker!).

I definitely think the significance of the GCI around Thunder Road is because that's who is currently rehabbing the ride in the off season.

If we could get pix of all of the stakes, I have a feeling that if this is indeed viral marketing, there is some hidden message on those stakes. I know I'll be at the park next week with my nephews, and I'll take my nice camera with the good zoom if no one gets pix before I get there. I'll see if I can get a close up of each stake.

Oh, and the triangle staked out looked too small for a Giant Frisbee, but obviously I could be wrong. And if they do go with a Huss Frisbee, the regular models really suck. The one at SFNE made me sick and just wasn't that fun.
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