General Carowinds discussion
I'd rather they just improve the current Main enterance, rather than move it. After all, that NC/SC paved line is an iconic part of walking into Carowinds.

I'd like to see it expanded from outside the enterance with a new check-in area and some shops and a lot of breathing room, maynbe something scenic and flashy. Like a reflection pool with a fountain.

And a Giant Frisbee is on the top of my list for wanted attractions. Maybe a topSpin too?
Or a nice big traditional Farris Wheel near the back of Planet Snoopy.

And let's also remember that Dino's might be gone at the end of this 3 year plan as well, freeing up even more space for espansion. I'd also like to see a vast retheming of all the areas within the park.
I also see a lot of infrastructure improvements as well as a few new rides and shop.

In response to some earlier posts, I'd like to see them open up the Paladium area and make that part of the park. Carowinds could use another show and the amphitheater sits empty a lot of the year. That area of the park is in NC.
Jonathan wrote:The truly important question here is what has to happen to get alcohol allowed throughout the park like Cedar Point instead of limited to designated areas.

Good question! I'm not sure why they won't let individuals carry their beer around the park. I could perhaps see the park having a no alcohol zone for Planet Snoopy, but the rest of the park doesn't make any sense. :?
IamtheIntimid8tor wrote:
Jonathan wrote:The truly important question here is what has to happen to get alcohol allowed throughout the park like Cedar Point instead of limited to designated areas.

Good question! I'm not sure why they won't let individuals carry their beer around the park. I could perhaps see the park having a no alcohol zone for Planet Snoopy, but the rest of the park doesn't make any sense. :?

I dont think that even makes sense. It's not like when you leave the designated areas your body rids itself of alcohol! I think its set up to designated areas to make you get more. Think about it, if im able to walk around chances of me going back to get another one are slim being I wouldnt want to either walk across the entire park. If you force people to stay one place chances are they are gonna buy several so they wouldnt have to make the journey back to get another...
That's why you sell in several places. I don't think I've ever bought a beer at Carowinds (or hardly any park for that matter) in my life, but at Cedar Point would get them frequently. Definitely made an hour and a half wait for Millennium Force a lot more bearable.
Not a good point. Myself personally would buy more if it was sold throughout the park. I'm not gonna stand in one area to get a buzz. But on the other hand they probably don't want people like me getting drunk. I usually go to tilted kilt to get lit up and ride the dator at night. Its pretty awesome.
KingHippo1 wrote:But on the other hand they probably don't want people like me getting drunk.

Finally. You say something that everyone can agree on.
coasterbruh wrote:
RiDeWaRrIoR wrote:Well you can definately count thunder road being painted white happening, that was covered a few years back at one of the events at the park...

You mean count it out? The park has stressed time and time again no more painted wooden coasters. They gave some excuse that the paint does something to the wood...must be just the wood at carowinds...

OOOPS yes that is what I meant! I guess I typed to fast and didn't proofread! Thanks! :lol:
Jarsh wrote:Leviathan was $28M. I can't see Carowinds blowing over half of their 3 three year budget on a giga. They will spend this $50m wisely to prepare for bigger crowds that bigger toys will bring in down the road.

Agreed 100%. This is why I believe Intimidator will remain the tallest and fastest ride in the park for the next 3 years. I see more improvements involving the water park and upgrades than anything. Likely some new "family" rides or possibly an expansion in the kid area. I can only hope we get a nice coaster but I just don't see anything to huge being on the books, at least not with this $50m expansion plan... Hopefully I am wrong?
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