General Carowinds discussion
I only sent an email to see when the announcement was really but thought I would bring up what I thought they were doing :lol: Its is pretty pointless to e-mail them if you want to find out about the expansion.... I knew they wouldn't tell me anything but I wanted to see if I would at least get a reply... which I did a few weeks later. We will find out about phase 1 "soon" as she stated in the e-mail.
I think what everyone is trying to say is that Carowinds employee emails are not meant for people outside of their office or media to have. Especially is it's just to email random comments or suggestions to during the day. They have it busy enough without enthusiasts bombarding them with pipe dream suggestions.

As JamminJ mentioned, go post on their Facebook page as they read that daily and are better setup to see your comments there than they would be if you emailed the park.
But again, just to add, there's no reason to use that as a way to tell the park what you want to see as far as ride additions go. I'm sure they have that all planned out far enough (at least for the next 3 years anyway) ahead of time.
LemondsHead wrote:who knows how to get a job in the theme park business like a big job

1) Stay in school and learn. Specifically, learn how to make complete sentences, use capitalization, and punctuate. Your odds of a big job (anywhere) are slim if you look illiterate.
2) Find out what interests you the most at a theme park.
3) Go to college to get a degree in what interests you the most.
4) Start out as an intern for a theme park.
5) Hopefully get a job at the theme park and work your way up.

That will increase your odds of getting a big job at a theme park.

You could start out as a seasonal associate and work your way through the ranks over many years by making an impression on your supervisors by your enthusiasm, character, dedication, and knowledge. That has worked for some.

I'm not sure what that has to do with the $50 mil expansion project, though.
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