General Carowinds discussion
Chris wrote:Intimidator track was stored in the parking lot next to Thunder Road.

But that was before the need for that area of the parking lot for the water park entrance.

If they're going to arrive by container, they may can stack them near the warehouse area and use some of the parking lot but leave a lot of the parking lot available for water park parking. It's not that wide there. It will be interesting to see what they do.
They still have the South Gate entrance that can be used....I really expect that side of the parking lot to be sectioned off in the next few months. Like it’s been said before with all of the construction vehicles going in an out they need free assess to the site. You have to think about it from a lability much of a chance for damaged cars with all that traffic again I could be wrong
They could always use the area that is already "caged" with the footer anchors, once those are moved out, just put supports etc in that area, of course they will likely make it bigger.... But like others have said, they could arrive by container, if that is the case they may not have to worry about it, not sure. I guess the only true time that lot is completely full is holidays, I could be wrong, since I dont go many Saturdays, but I know July 4th especially is slammed full. Id say they will use the grass up by the drop off for parking and block of the lot, it makes a lot more sense, and if they need that area between the main rd and parking lot, they have some space back there to use it, as you can see in the pictures...
I'd imagine the staging area they have currently for the footers will be expanded for the track sections, easy back and forth without having to navigate through a parking lot.

As for the area between the parking lot and the road, I don't see it as a part of this coaster project in terms of construction area, although it could very well be. It looks there is a couple different dirt mounds with different materials, so it may just be a storage area for the construction Cut and Fill material, possibly used by both the Hotel and Project Alpha sites.
Just curious if this has come up or not and I missed it. Could it be possible that the leaked plan is all a fake to throw us off and this coaster could be a Mack water coaster? Like Poseidon at Europa Park? I mean, we lost Powder Keg Flume years ago and Whitewater Falls more recently. Not to mention FSS years ago as well. I do not really think that it is at all (and hoping not) but just curious if anyone was considered it?
uscbandfan wrote:If that area is for part of the coaster, then the plans are obviously wrong... or at the very least the wrong scale. I'd still love for it to happen but I'm probably hoping against hope.

Are you referring to the area we were discussing between parking lot and carowinds blvd? If so, we were not saying the actual coaster would go there, just the supports and track could possibly sit there until needed. Like most others believe, I think they will just block off some of the parking lot and use it.
Any containers the roller coaster comes in will not belong to Carowinds or Mack, unless Carowinds is going to pay to keep the containers on site they will be emptied and returned to the shipping company.

Footings have to go in the ground before supports can be installed and they could have a good number of footings ready for supports before the supports show up.

Odds are they will use what area of the parking lot is already fenced off.
RiDeWaRrIoR wrote:Are you referring to the area we were discussing between parking lot and carowinds blvd? If so, we were not saying the actual coaster would go there, just the supports and track could possibly sit there until needed. Like most others believe, I think they will just block off some of the parking lot and use it.

That's what I believe as well. But, I'm still hoping the plans are wrong and that area is part of the coaster. A VERY long shot, I know. But hey, even if the leaked plans are legit, it's gonna be a great coaster.

... and shipping containers will be shipping containers. Nothing special about them.
This is kinda off topic but I know it was brought up way back when this thread was started but some people were talking about the lack of room for another significant coaster; so this lead me to the question why do we not have a single coaster In our park that intertwine? A lot of other parks do. The closest we get is Goldrusher next to Vortex and that’s about it
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