General Carowinds discussion
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By KDcoasterMAN
^ I'll support you Steve. BTW, I saw you on Saturday though I neglected to say hi.

For those who have continually bashed the restraints on I305, I have some advice, DON'T Ride IT! Like Steve said its all about safety! Why doesn't everybody complain about the big metal cages surrounding the seats on the the "state fair" Zipper Rides? HUH? I want a more "freer experience" on one of those. Think About sense people. Intamin has had problems with the old T-Bar insuring proper safety and that makes all the difference. If it pisses off a few enthusiasts they don't give a care. Who are you to them?
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By Jonathan
Do you think I or anyone else cares if Intamin values our opinion? Welcome to an Internet message board. Here we discuss things and give our opinions, which may sometimes include criticism. That is the entire point of this website. I'm sorry I insulted your beloved roller coaster; get off your high horse. This reminds me of those "IF YOU DON'T LOVE AMURCA THEN YOU CAN GIT OUT" folks who go into a rage anytime anyone says anything slightly negative about the government.

I don't have much more to add to this discussion. I liked 305, it's the most intense steel coaster I have ever been on, and I even listed it as my #16 steel in the 305 thread on this forum. I'm sorry that a few Kings Dominion fanboys can't handle constructive criticism about the ride, and I'm sorry that Intamin is the only company in the history of the amusement industry that can't design a lapbar that won't eject fat people from the ride. I'll leave you to continue enjoying your kool-aid.

Oh, and for what it's worth, I have ridden a Zipper once and never will again. Getting thrown around inside a metal cage isn't my idea of fun.
Nice one Jonathan!
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By Mr.Nitro
Finally got to the park Sunday and rode Intimidator, I do think it beats Afterburn for best coaster at Carowinds, but I still prefer Apollo's Chariot by a significant margin. I love the first drop and the speed is great but it doesn't have as much floaty, out of my seat airtime that Apollo does. I wore dog tags on AC and they were straight out in front of my face for half the ride. Also you don't get blasted by so much wind in your face on AC as on Intimidator. I really didn't come out of my seat that much so I was a little dissapointed. The 2nd trim was off all 6 times I rode so im happy with that. It's a great ride and one of my favorite coasters though :)
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By KDcoasterMAN
^ If I have insulted anyone with my previous post, I'm sorry. Thats how I felt at the time. I have found the restraint on 305 as the second most comfortble behind the B&M Hyper restraints. Sorry I really sux at sharing my opinion without ranting. Once agian, Sorry

Ya'lls coaster is still beast though, just not beast enough for my top 10. I found Afterburn to be a more "kick-ass" ride!

here's a link to my Carowinds PTR (in-progress) on TPR. ->(o)<-

Part 4 with mega amounts of Intimidator love have not been posted.
Jonathan wrote: I'm sorry that a few Kings Dominion fanboys can't handle constructive criticism about the ride, and I'm sorry that Intamin is the only company in the history of the amusement industry that can't design a lapbar that won't eject fat people from the ride. I'll leave you to continue enjoying your kool-aid.

Props to Jonathan for saying that better than I ever could. They are inexcusably stupid restraints and pointing it out is not cause to get all up in arms.

Very excited to get back down to Charlotte in the next few weeks and get a few more laps on Timmy, and more importantly, scaring some children on the Flyers.
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By Jonathan
Gonna get out there at opening Friday morning, then Saturday night for the first night rides. Then that's it for me and Intimidator until August as I am off to Sandusky.
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By RiDeWaRrIoR
Nice, I wish I could go Saturday night. Guess I will have to wait for either a couple weeks or probaly until coasterstock. I dont know why but I always like to get to the park early and leave early. I guess I just like to beat the crowd. I will most likely make an exception very soon to get some night riding in, i'll bet its incredible.
Anyone know what they were doing about an hour ago? The transfer was moved over and I couldnt tell if they put a train away or if they added one back or what? I would assume they took one out but I dont know....
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