- June 9th, 2015, 6:55 pm
It was an awesome event with a great turnout this year, thanks to Fury 325. Our shirts gave us fast pass access to Fury 325, Intimidator, and Afterburn, although I didn't ride Intimidator. I got about 12 rides on Fury 325, a few early on before the park opened without getting off, and five rides on Afterburn.
It was topped off with 30 minutes of ERT on Thunder Road, which I rode 8 or 9 times straight without getting off. Except for the last two hills, and the top of the second hill, Thunder Road is running just about as good as ever. I still don't see how it has 'run its course' since it still runs better than about half of the wooden coasters that I have ridden. But I digress...
The most important thing is that those of us who participated at Carowinds raised nearly $15,000 alone for Give Kids the World Village, which will completely cover two kids with life threatening illnesses and their families for a week stay at the village in Orlando. What Carowinds gave back to us for raising the money was a great gesture on their part and unexpected. We didn't expect anything, but thank you, Carowinds, for your support of GKTW and the great hospitality (and the piece of Thunder Road!).
If you couldn't participate, consider volunteering at the village. They said they can always use volunteers, especially during the summer months. They always welcome help, but winters are better staffed due to the retired people who spend their summers in Florida.
370 Coasters