General Carowinds discussion
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By tarheel1231
Oh, okay. Nice find!

As far as names go, I think Witchdoctor is the best one. If the seats were black and red, I'd say Black Widow, but Witchdoctor fits this color scheme better.
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By redrunner97
^ I agree. Witchdoctor sounds kinda zany and all the different colors really invokes the same kinda vibe for me. Hopefully whatever they end up choosing is a throwback name; I genuinely love it when they've done that. Meteorite, what Scream Weaver was previously called, is another cool one.
By sccoasterbear
If it is in county fair though would wild bull not be a better throw back? Just thinking out loud and not criticizing anyone thoughts. Love what you are all saying.
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By arby
While there certainly is enough room where Thunder Road's station was, you will note that this is primarily a 'transportable' carnival ride. I would think that it's smaller footprint would be an under-utilization of that space. Since there is a decent footprint where TR's station was, I'm guessing it will be filled in the next few years with something that requires a larger footprint. :wink: :thumbup:

There are numerous places in the park where this ride could be squeezed in, including the 'dead space' of nothingness near Carolina Cobra, the field in front of Intimidator, the grassy area beside Windseeker, etc.

I could be wrong, though, as none of us have any idea where it is going. Just adding some thoughts.
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By gabed
How about in the Carolina Boardwalk? Maybe in the area in between Chickie's and Pete's and Ricochet, or is there even enough room?
By psychoticbiotic
My knowledge of the park's layout probably isn't as good as some of yours, but if memory serves me well then I would say that does seem like a relatively lonely corner for a single flat ride.
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By tarheel1231
I think the Top Scan is going where TR's station used to reside simply because I don't think PvZ alone will attract enough guests back to the back corner of the County Fair.
By TheCoasterMan1
I believe it will go in county fair. I think some of the game stalls will be replaced in the off season and they will put this new flat there. To put this new flat in the area where TR's station was would be a waste of space in my opinion. I think that space will be saved for a later expansion of the county fair area.
By RollerBee
The Lagoon Top Scan takes up roughly the same size and shape as Thunder Road's station ride. So even if they place this ride in exactly the same place as Thunder Road's station was, there would be enough room to add walkways around the ride to add more to the County Fair later.

However placing the ride where Thunder Road's entrance sign and Silver turn one would maximize the space's potential. This is the more exciting 2016 addition so far!
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By coasterbruh
tarheel1231 wrote:^Pretty much.

coasterbruh wrote:
chknwing wrote:So they stated that phase 1 was fury 325, phase 2 is this water park expansion. both big investments. What could phase 3 possibly be? hotel? revamped county fair?

Flats! Flats all over the park!

Phase 3 came a lot faster than I thought it would.

I think its right on time . . . :shh: :wave:

FamousAmos wrote:Think again Tarheel. This was just something extra for 2016. Let's not jump the gun just yet.

Just like the slide complex of 2014 . . . Just something extra right?

FamousAmos wrote:The queue will be where Thunder Road's queue was. There's plenty of room for this attraction in that spot.

Are we passing our opinion as fact again?
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By chknwing
redrunner97 wrote:Also, I'll go out of a limb and guess it'll be placed where the entrance to Thunder Road was.

I would agree but why deliver it on the opposite side of the park of where it is to be installed? And why would you not announce this? This is a major ride. very weird
So unfair. We lost a coaster(for a flat ride) and havn't gotten a new one since 2010 and here they are giving carowinds yet another ride at the last minute in addition to what was already announced!!! Now I'm not a fan of this particular ride but still it's not fair or right.

They probably took this one from canada's wonderland to make way for some new future ride there....wouldn't suprise me if KD's delerium turns out to be a hand me down from canada's wonderland and not a brand new ride,which if true would be even more unfair to do to us.
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