General Carowinds discussion
Headin out to the park today in about an hour or so! I am ready for some rides on intimidator since I havent rode for like 2 weeks! Hopefully it will be running nicely today and the park will not be to crowded. See yah there!
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By Dude
Went to the park today got 6 rides on Intimidator... The first 5 rides the second trim was grabbing hard for some reason...then on the 6th ride the trim didn't even grab so pretty nice today.

I got on row 4 today and to me its the best seat so far.... :D
I had maybe 2 out of the 9 rides today that the 2nd trim didnt hit and a couple others it didnt seem like it hit hard. There was a time or two though it really hit and it was funny because everyone was screamin and havin fun and all of a sudden everyone stopped when we hit the trim cause it slowed so much lol. I still find it crazy how the trim brake knows what to do lol. I wish they would just turn the 2nd one off always, the first one isnt bad so its OK I guess.... I saw for coasterstock we start a no trim petition... :lol:
Rode it a few times before work today, it was running pretty well. I think the 2nd trim slammed one time, but I don't remember exactly (LONG day after that). It's always such a good ride, I really love the positive g's in the valleys of those hills. Not a lot of the B&M hypers have the kind of positive g's that this one does spread out through the whole ride. Most hypers have one or two good spots with positive g's, but this one has them all over. Love it!
By Edwardo
It's sad that that 2nd trim either makes or breaks the ride. The first trim really is barely noticable, and that hill has the normal B&M floaty air. But having ridden the ride when the 2nd trim either hit hard, barely hit, or hit very moderately, I have to say I think it's a shame they put that one on there. If it wasn't there, the ride would be ranked a lot higher in my book, but without consistent rides, I just can't move it from it's spot.
Edwardo wrote:It's sad that that 2nd trim either makes or breaks the ride. The first trim really is barely noticable, and that hill has the normal B&M floaty air. But having ridden the ride when the 2nd trim either hit hard, barely hit, or hit very moderately, I have to say I think it's a shame they put that one on there. If it wasn't there, the ride would be ranked a lot higher in my book, but without consistent rides, I just can't move it from it's spot.

Yea, it is weird how inconsistent it is... Sometimes it hits and sometimes it doesnt. Its really funny though to hear the screams and then all of a sudden silence when that trim hits :lol: Oh well, its there for a reason so whatever the reason, its still a great ride, the best in my book (of course i havent been to any other parks so....)
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By Mr.Nitro
I rode it twice yesterday, the 2nd trim grabbed pretty hard on my first ride, (the first time it's grabbed since I've been on it) and I didn't think it affected the rest as much as some of the posts I've read. The 2nd half of the ride was still more than fun even with the trim grab.
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By Blue Moon
RollerCoasterMommy07 wrote:I am pretty excited..I get to have my first ride and only rides on intimidator for the season tomorrow...I can't anyone else going to be at the park tomorrow??...Anyways write my experience tomorrow night!!!!

We haven't heard about your experience yet. I hear them ALL DAY, but am by no means tired of hearing anyone's story.
OMG Intimidator was everything i was expecting plus some..I absolutely loved it..I'd have to say my favorite seat was the last 2 rows..Seriously our butts hardly touched the seat when we roade back there..I got to ride it 3 times and really the line moves very quickly..Also i couldn't believe how quickly it got to the top of the hill..When your watching it, it doesn't look like it goes that fast..I was really pissed at what one of the workers did to my mom..the second time we went to ride it the lady standing by the test seat stopped my mom in front of everyone and was like excuse me ma'am have you ridden this mom was like yes i have she said ok you dont need to try out the seat then..we turned around to see her making a whole family who was heavy set try out the test seat..this was very embarressing and mean if you ask me..pulling ppl aside like that..All and all it was an amazing ride and cant wait to go by next year to ride it..sux i have to wait so long.. :D
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