General Carowinds discussion
RollerCoasterMommy07 wrote:OMG Intimidator was everything i was expecting plus some..I absolutely loved it..I'd have to say my favorite seat was the last 2 rows..Seriously our butts hardly touched the seat when we roade back there..I got to ride it 3 times and really the line moves very quickly..Also i couldn't believe how quickly it got to the top of the hill..When your watching it, it doesn't look like it goes that fast..I was really pissed at what one of the workers did to my mom..the second time we went to ride it the lady standing by the test seat stopped my mom in front of everyone and was like excuse me ma'am have you ridden this mom was like yes i have she said ok you dont need to try out the seat then..we turned around to see her making a whole family who was heavy set try out the test seat..this was very embarressing and mean if you ask me..pulling ppl aside like that..All and all it was an amazing ride and cant wait to go by next year to ride it..sux i have to wait so long.. :D

Its a great ride isnt it? Wish you could have got more than 3 rides in..... I agree that it may be embarrassing to try the test seat if some people are "larger", but think of it like this, would you rather sit in the test seat and make sure you can fit on the ride, or would you rather wait in the line for 20min and get on the ride, have to have a ride op try to jump on the lap bar to get it to lock, several times, just to find out, that you cant fit? Which would be more embarassing? I understand completely what you mean, and I am sure for the ride ops they didnt want to ask anymore than your mom wanted to be asked, but I can asure you the intimidator crew was doing it because they actually care. I have seen at least 4 people (including a guy that was with a friend of mine) not be able to ride because the bars wouldnt close. The reason for the test seat is to make sure people fit properly, and some people with wider thighs cant fit just because of the way the seats are made. Anyway, glad you enjoyed your ride. I really shoulda went to the park today but I decided to stay home.
RiDeWaRrIoR wrote:
RollerCoasterMommy07 wrote:OMG Intimidator was everything i was expecting plus some..I absolutely loved it..I'd have to say my favorite seat was the last 2 rows..Seriously our butts hardly touched the seat when we roade back there..I got to ride it 3 times and really the line moves very quickly..Also i couldn't believe how quickly it got to the top of the hill..When your watching it, it doesn't look like it goes that fast..I was really pissed at what one of the workers did to my mom..the second time we went to ride it the lady standing by the test seat stopped my mom in front of everyone and was like excuse me ma'am have you ridden this mom was like yes i have she said ok you dont need to try out the seat then..we turned around to see her making a whole family who was heavy set try out the test seat..this was very embarressing and mean if you ask me..pulling ppl aside like that..All and all it was an amazing ride and cant wait to go by next year to ride it..sux i have to wait so long.. :D

Its a great ride isnt it? Wish you could have got more than 3 rides in..... I agree that it may be embarrassing to try the test seat if some people are "larger", but think of it like this, would you rather sit in the test seat and make sure you can fit on the ride, or would you rather wait in the line for 20min and get on the ride, have to have a ride op try to jump on the lap bar to get it to lock, several times, just to find out, that you cant fit? Which would be more embarassing? I understand completely what you mean, and I am sure for the ride ops they didnt want to ask anymore than your mom wanted to be asked, but I can asure you the intimidator crew was doing it because they actually care. I have seen at least 4 people (including a guy that was with a friend of mine) not be able to ride because the bars wouldnt close. The reason for the test seat is to make sure people fit properly, and some people with wider thighs cant fit just because of the way the seats are made. Anyway, glad you enjoyed your ride. I really shoulda went to the park today but I decided to stay home.

I get that but they do have a sign that says to try out the seat and its right in sight so in my opinion I believe that if someone overlooked it or didnt want to and got up there and they didn't fit it would be there fault for the embarressment..not to mention if was very rude my mom has just lost alot of weight and really isnt big and that really made her feel terrible that this woman picked her out and asked her to test the seat..she had already ridden the ride..It's really a big self esteem blow to people..they already know they are bigger and like i said the seat is in plain sight with the sign to test dont need someone picking out certain people especially when it's known why you were picked out..
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By Blue Moon
RiDeWaRrIoR wrote:Wow from the looks of the cam, the park is fairly busy..... It just started raining here so I am sure within the next hour it will be raining @ the park...

I was there for a good while and the Intimidator line was never past the first set of switchbacks. Really not crowded at all. When I left, the line was just around the corner from the stairs. The single rider line was very short as well.

RollerCoasterMommy07, sorry to hear about that event but I'm glad you still enjoyed the ride. The back row is my favorite as well.
Blue Moon wrote:
RiDeWaRrIoR wrote:Wow from the looks of the cam, the park is fairly busy..... It just started raining here so I am sure within the next hour it will be raining @ the park...

I was there for a good while and the Intimidator line was never past the first set of switchbacks. Really not crowded at all. When I left, the line was just around the corner from the stairs. The single rider line was very short as well.

RollerCoasterMommy07, sorry to hear about that event but I'm glad you still enjoyed the ride. The back row is my favorite as well.

Yea the first time we rode it they told us to sit in the middle, which is typically my first choice on a coaster..I love em but they still terrify me if I have never ridden them lol :lol: ..Then the second time they made us sit in the mom and lil sis sat in the last row and me and a friend sat in the row ahead of them..I remembered reading the forums and no joke was terrified I was sitting in the back..And no joke it was a completely different experience..I absolutely looooved it..granted I'm sure I was the funniest thing to watch..That first hill got me everytime and I didn't hold on the the harness with my hands..I had one leg pressed against the bottom of the on the little metal piece on the front of each train pushing me to my seat and i was holding on the the arms of the seat on the first hill :lol: ..After that my hands were up in the air and i completely enjoyed not being in my seat..Oh yea and the first time we rode it was in row 5 I think and halfway down the hill my sister and my screams stopped like it took our voice away..I was screaming then sitting there with my mouth open and no sound coming out..I can't say enough how AMAZING this ride was and soo very smooth as well..In my opinion I like this better than Apollo's Chariot..I don't remember ever getting that much airtime on that one..Finally on my last ride I threw my hands up on the first hill..YAY I'M NO LONGER A CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!! :lol: ..Leaving for England June 18th and will not be back till next summer so I will be sad until i can get some more rides in..
Very nice, my first ride was in row 2. I like the very back as well, I havent got to ride in the back for a while, last week I was mainly in row 1 4 or 5 I think. Oh well, I like the outside seats the best as well. Dang I really missed riding it today, but oh well... Guess I wont be able to ride again until next week sometime.
By Lil_Gump
Could someone who works at Intimidator please explain why people with casts or braces are not allowed to ride? I rode 5 times today with no mention of it, then was told on my next ride that I had to take my knee brace off.
I'm glad they didn't make me ride in the front..for some reason seeing the track makes me really queesy..I also liked the outside seats better..To me you got a better view and I could peek around ppl easier to see how close to the top we are..I dont know about the braces but I do know that while waiting in line one time this kid ran past us in a restricted zone with one flip flop on..You know what he lost lol :lol: ..Pretty stupid going into the restricted zone though..Also there was tons of line cutters Friday..I fussed alot of them out and they went back..I cannot stand a line cutter ugh
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By cwgator
Lil_Gump wrote:Could someone who works at Intimidator please explain why people with casts or braces are not allowed to ride? I rode 5 times today with no mention of it, then was told on my next ride that I had to take my knee brace off.

I don't work there, but also wear a knee brace due to a bad sprain a couple years ago. I only need to wear it when i'm gonna be standing or walking for a long time (such as being at a theme park). I have never been asked at any ride to take it off at any park, and have seen many others with them on as well. I can understand not allowing riders with casts, but a knee brace???
It's my understanding that the ride manual calls for no leg/knee obstructions while riding. So I guess B&M are the only ones who could really answer the question about knee braces.

On a separate note, got 10 laps on Intimidator after work today, a few of which were some of the best rides I've had yet. I was actually greying out on the pull up into the 2nd hill, and also at the bottom of the 2nd drop going into the 3rd hill. Not sure if it's because it was running faster or anything, but the positive g's were much more pronounced today than I can ever remember.
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By Kineticmind
So I visited Kings Island today to ride Diamondback for the first time, and obviously was eager to compare it to Intimidator.

First off, I made sure to ride the back seat as more than 25% of my Intimidator rides have been in this seat. Both me and my three friends that I brought with me thought Intimidator was significantly better. Don't get me wrong, the splash down is cool and it was a nice ride, but Intimidator is considerably smother and has much better G's in the right places.

In fact, this was one of the roughest rides I've ever had on a B&M. I was simply shocked at how rough and rickety it was, especially after only being essentially 13 months old. Even after being several years old, Apollo's Chariot is still fairly smooth. It really felt like the footers are shifting slightly.

Again, just my opinion. Now just two more days of Kings Island, then three at Cedar Point, two at Kings Dominion, and then back to Charlotte. (We're on a bit of a roller coaster road trip if ya can't tell.)

On a side note, I thought it was awesome that the Diamondback crew kept returning any sandals immediately back to riders that tried to take them off prior to riding. They would actually make them put them back on in order to ride. It surely made me smile.
I wish I was on a coaster road trip! Sounds like you are havin a good time. Make sure when you are at Kings Dominion to post about the experience after the trims... Its so crazy how some people are going nuts over this and they think a petetion is actually going to get them removed... The only thing that will get them removed is Intamin fixing their wheel problems. Anyway, have a good time and its good to know that our coaster can be rated higher than some other similar coasters.
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By Kineticmind
So just to make sure I wasn't losing my mind, I made sure to ride Diamondback several more times today.

The park was empty today so we were able to sit wherever we like. I rode all the notable rows (1, 2, 4, 15, 16, etc.) and I got the same jerky ride all over, with the exception of row one. While the seats in row one were smooth, the restraints were shaking rather violently. Fortunately it did not affect my ride as it was not pulled down tight.

I simply just don't get it.

When you sit on rows 3-16 and can see the primary wheels/tires in front of you, you could see where they were heavily shaking from left to right and making a rather loud shaking sound. (This same sound can be heard from all the surrounding areas of the park where spectators like to gather. To give you an idea, this shaking sound is loud enough to rival the signature B&M roar.) I really hope Intimidator does not have these problems as it ages.

Thought you all might find this interesting. Cheers!
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