General Carowinds discussion
coasterdave wrote:How many of you folks watch the web cam on a daily basis and for how long?

lol lol...seems like alot! when I was looking at the testing last week or so they were not sending a train out as it was disscussed recently. I havent seen the recent after lift dispatch but I have observed as the train finishes the turn around the train is dispatched, giving plenty time to load and secure the train waiting in the station.
I used to leave it on all day when I worked at Meineke, I havent worked there since October 30th so I hardly ever pull it up here at home now, but maybe 2-3 times a week I will look. Im like the other folks when construction was going on I was always looking and taking screenshots of the progress, but now just every now and again. If they moved the cam towards the entry way then I may look more, but ts no biggie anymore haha.
Jarsh wrote:I'm figuring they will use the "slow lift" lift hill and the really slow final brake run as a way of buying some time.

This might avoid the stacking but will it get peeps on and off the ride any quicker?

I think the kink in the efficiency chain is the fact that you can only approximate how long it will take the gp to drop off/retrieve all of their garbage. Therefore it’s hard to expect anything but a chaotic "hurry up" method to loading/unloading the train every time on behalf of the staffers. The only option is to get rid of that element all together with lockers at the entry way....but then CF will inevitably charge for them, so in essence its like CF is making the gp compensate for the problem by throwing money at it. Of course the obvious best system is the one in place at IOA with Hulk, but other parks haven’t caught onto this whole concept of not nickel and diming their customers to death...:?
jordN1414 wrote:It would of been cool if they left under the turnaround open so you could walk under it like Nighthawk and fenced in the area back where it comes to the ground.

LOL Screw walking under it....I think itd be even cooler to park under it hahaha.

Seriously though, I could see them considering expanding the sidewalk to walk underneath a portion of it.
Speaking of sidewalks, does anyone know if they kept the existing sidewalk that was there and if they intend to let the guest use it, thereby walking to the entrance on the otherside of Intimidator or have they poured a new sidewalk to match the new edge of the parking lot?
Just checking some stats on rcdb and realized that we can add another #3 tie-in to Intimidator.

It's the 3rd longest B&M hyper built to date. Probably not that interesting, but I thought it was.

Only Nitro & Behemoth are longer.
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