General Carowinds discussion
That "other" site is absolutely nuts... :lol:

I'm game for a midweek takeover.... Who (besides me) is on a shift schedule? In other words, I'm game for after work midweek, OR midweek during "normal" work hours? Say, lunchtime or opening?

Wormy, aint it about time for another installment of "extras"? :lol: :lol:
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By Wormy
After some great rides today in the front, fourth row, and back, I figured it didn't get any better than that, so I walked around, had a smoothie, and did the usual.

However, driving out I took this:

On the very next train...

Far be it from me to complain about trims, but that's kinda harsh.
I went to the park yesterday, rode Int(r)imidator 5 times, and only once did that trim grab, and the MCBR activate and slow the train down a lot...and the difference in the ride is SIGNIFICANT...especially after the MCBR, and especially if you are near the front (post-MCBR is so boring if you are near the front...might as well just end the ride there). Thankfully the crew has been getting better about letting people choose their seats, so I always head to the back (which is weird because most of the time I prefer the intensity of the front, but again it's so boring at the end when the trims and MCBR tug it ruins the overall ride). The ride in the back is awesome regardless of the trims (still get nice pops of air on the last "hills"), but it's even better without the trims.
Is there anyway to have the trims eased a bit? Not turned off, just eased so the difference isn't so dramatic between trims, no trims??? If the object of trims is to keep a uniform speed, why don't they keep a uniform speed? There is an obvious difference in speeds here.... I don't get it. Is there any way we can work towards easing the trims, or is everything pretty much set in stone? Do higher ups at Carowinds have any say in the workings of Intimidator/ Intrimidator?
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By RiDeWaRrIoR
I am sure they can adjust them anyway they want. I dont know what all causes the trims to hit so different other than the weight of the train.... Does the other trains on the course have anything to do with it as well? I couldnt tell a HUGE difference in the videos, but there is a difference. You can really tell a difference when on the ride, and I am always hoping it doesnt hit, but it is what it is. Just be thankful its not on the drop :D

Maybe coasterstock will be trimless rides...
Yes that is well known, but that, specifically, isn't what I was questioning. I was wondering if the higher ups had any control over the ride experience... can they change certain.. uhh... "levels" of things on the ride, like how sensitive the computer is to weight changes. Do the computers have the final say as far as ride experience, or is there some flexibility? Is everything set into stone? Seems so... I am sure certain employees at SFGA would love to alter Raging Bull... regardless, we have a fantastic ride here at Carowinds.

And now I am going to :roll: for most of what I said above...

lol jeeez
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By Dude
I think i know how to solve the trim problem so coaster wont have trims...

Just make the hills on the coaster taller... for example that second hill says its 151ft tall, why didn't they just make the hill about 160ft so there will be no need for a trim..
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By Blue Moon
^ That won't necessarily "fix" the ride. Sounds good on paper though. The trims don't bother me anyway.

Like Steve said, the trim use is automated due to many variables.
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