General Carowinds discussion
coasterbruh wrote:Can someone confirm this is in fact the carowinds track?

Well.. It's at Carowinds, so..
Jonathan wrote:Page Leviathan (306').

This photo is all over the web at this point so might as well re-post it here:


Source: ... 9952364292 :)
KenB wrote:I'll see your roughness on Raptor, and raise you an Alpengeist. That thing has always been kinda shaky at the bottom of the first drop, but a few weeks ago it was doing that all over the place. Still a nice ride, but it should not be rougher than the 35-year-old Arrow across the river. Of course Nessie is not your average Arrow...

I haven't done alpengeist in a while... last time i went griffon had just opened. the first part of raptor was great, but everything after the MCBR made me wish i wasn't on the ride anymore.
Littlegiles wrote:In that picture under Intimidator, looks like something is being cleared out. Is that just trees being taken down?

Just trying to make sure I'm not seeing things.

It looks like that is a dump truck. It is probably hauling dirt for the toll plaza and related road construction.
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