General Carowinds discussion
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By gabed
^ They must've had Raptor running far better than they did in 2013, lol. It was very rough for me, and to be honest, I'd probably rank it at the bottom of the inverts I've been on. Not saying you're wrong in your opinion, (I can't really talk since Maverick is my favorite coaster :lol: ), I just find it funny how much you love that coaster :lol: . But hey, it's better that you love it than hate it.

Anywho, back to Fury things...
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By DarK Ei8ht
I agree. Raptor is one of the more "eh" B&M inverts, Afterburn puts it to shame IMO.

Personally, I feel like Fury is definitely B&M's most intense coaster (besides Kumba and inverts). Really shocked me upon riding it again over the weekend. The rattle is there, but doesn't bother me, at least.
By HavenHamilton
The Golden Ticket Awards are in a few days. It will certainly be in the Top 10 Steel Coasters...more than likely knocking out Intimidator. Any guesses as to where Fury will rank? Can it knock off Millennium Force? I certainly think it's better. But I'm predicting it will debut at #3.
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By Sean978
I really hope that Carowinds does something like Dollywood did with Wild Eagle, where they show off the Golden Ticket. :D
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By tarheel1231
Sounds like Fury is #4 overall for steel coasters. I'm assuming the three coasters ahead of it are Millennium Force, Superman (though personally I liked the Bizarro theme better), and GeForce.
By SROS Master
Not that surprised to see Fury get such a high vote. Irritating to see MF still rated as #1 coaster. Maybe next year Fury will be ahead of MF.

Personally, I am sad to see Leviathan slip down to number 8, as I enjoy it equally as much as Fury.
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By tarheel1231
Carowinds is the only park on that list with two coasters in the top ten! I hate myself for starting to buy into these awards but it's different when it's personal. :) But I think any list that doesn't have Raptor in the top ten is a joke, so..... :roll:
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By coasterbruh
tarheel1231 wrote: But I think any list that doesn't have Raptor in the top ten is a joke, so..... :roll:

I think the fact that out of hundreds of coasters YOU feel Raptor deserves to be in the top 10 is a joke . . .

We get it. YOU like the coaster. It's plenty of us that have fav coasters but we are smart enough to know that on the grand scale of things, our number 1 isn't the worlds number 1. The fact that it is only one looping and one inverted coaster, with it being the same coaster, clearly shows that people favor, as a whole, non looping air time machines.
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