General Carowinds discussion
By Carowinds2005
TeknoScorpion wrote:What is it?  I dunno.  Family Ride?  Thrill Ride?  Coaster?  If I were a betting man, I'd bet for something flat and either family oriented, trill oriented, or a bit of both.

O boy, that sounds too much like PGA Disk-O! lol
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By bgwfreak
^ Snoopy: The Ride.
By Cephas
O boy, that sounds too much like PGA Disk-O! lol

Is that a bad thing? Survivor is one hell of a ride.
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By Jonathan
Tear out the inside of the Action FX Theater and move the Pavilion Haunted Mansion in there.
By Cephas
The starship 3000 should come along and live where the whirling dervish was.
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By wdwspider
Bring back the monorail!!!
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By bgwfreak
^ Go ahead and start planning a trip to Mexico to find it.
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By Jonathan
I do know there was a lot of erosion under the bathroom at Boomerang Bay that they finally plugged in with some large rocks... maybe this construction stuff has to do with that...

I was at the park today for the first time since this whole mess started, and took a glance myself while riding Thunder Road. I just had to shake my head as it was painfully obvious what the "construction" was for. As kewlaidkiddd said earlier in this thread, the soil has eroded from underneath the new Boomerang Bay bathroom. The sidewalk is basically hanging in the air because the ground has completely fell away beneath it. They are working on a new drainage system and a retaining wall. So there you go. Case closed.
By Hammer8
Jonathan wrote:
I was at the park today for the first time since this whole mess started, and took a glance myself while riding Thunder Road.  I just had to shake my head as it was painfully obvious what the "construction" was for.  As kewlaidkiddd said earlier in this thread, the soil has eroded from underneath the new Boomerang Bay bathroom.  The sidewalk is basically hanging in the air because the ground has completely fell away beneath it.  They are working on a new drainage system and a retaining wall.  So there you go.  Case closed.

So the new bracing on Thunder Road helps hold up the new BB bathroom?



[i'm kidding] :D
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By Jonathan
No, the bracing is so they can extend the lift hill height for the Voyage clone.

[ttly not kidding]
By CheeseCurd626
I wonder why on T-Road foward side, by the access road, its all spray painted red with lines a number 8 and a few other things. What is with the tree removal and all the crap going on by Bumper Cars and White Water Falls.
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By wdwspider
CheeseCurd626 wrote: I wonder why on T-Road foward side, by the access road, its all spray painted red with lines a number 8 and a few other things. What is with the tree removal and all the crap going on by Bumper Cars and White Water Falls.

I'm betting that County Fair is going to be reworked next year. Hopefully with some new rides as well. Especially considering the maze being taken out. For that matter, I think I would be fine with the motion ride leaving if we can get some nice new flats in that area. The motion ride never carries the lines it did back in it's hay day... and that was both lines filled for the same movie in each side.
By coasterholic14
wdwspider wrote:
CheeseCurd626 wrote: I wonder why on T-Road foward side, by the access road, its all spray painted red with lines a number 8 and a few other things. What is with the tree removal and all the crap going on by Bumper Cars and White Water Falls.

I'm betting that County Fair is going to be reworked next year. Hopefully with some new rides as well. Especially considering the maze being taken out. For that matter, I think I would be fine with the motion ride leaving if we can get some nice new flats in that area. The motion ride never carries the lines it did back in it's hay day... and that was both lines filled for the same movie in each side.

maybe if they put something decent back in there the lines would at least be a little longer. I remember it's hay days, waiting in line with all the cars and camera trucks (and shade and trees) and everything, then get into the "staging" area and they have the video playing and whatnot,. What happened to those days? Now it just has action fx stuff in the middle, and a video on the little screens, used to be like a whole show/experience. Maybe what they should do is keep one theater (after all, why take out one of the few air-conditioned places in the park) and tear down the other to add some flats or something.
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By bgwfreak
I'd like to see County Fair look like a fair again. Do like Dollywood did and get a flat rides package and spruce up the place.

We've lost the swings, wild bull, metorite and frenzoid all from that area.

I'd love to see a frisbee, new swings (or bring ours back) and some smaller rides like tea cups, etc.
By CheeseCurd626
On my last visit the area by T-road was like all but walked away from, No games had employees, AFX was closed as usual :rolleyes: , The bumper cars had maybe 2 people in line.. I mean they need to do something to spruce up the area.

Wes- a Giant frisbee would look better. ;)
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