General Carowinds discussion
By Cephas
Top Gun is not as tall and has less inversions than Shockwave at SFGA (Though it isn't there anymore). With that, you can conclude that height and inversions don't matter wether a coaster is the best or not.
By Dukeis#1
JamminJ wrote: Blah! Silly kids who think Vortex doens't suck.. must've have been dropped on their head too many times by their dopey parents! :huh:  :(

Silly old geizer who has Vortex confused with Carolina Cyclone back when it was red. :rolleyes:

I still think Thunder Road will win.
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By montumax
Anybody want to form an alliance with me and vote Top Gun off next? Hey..alliances work on tv's Survivor. Let's make Thunder Road the winner :)
By Trev32
JamminJ wrote:Blah! Silly kids who think Vortex doens't suck.. must've have been dropped on their head too many times by their dopey parents! :huh:  :(

TAER IT DOWN! (It referring to Vortex of course)

-J (Who wonders how many of those same kids won't 'get' that.. :wacko: )

i've seen a pic of you on vortex,you look way to tall for the ride,that's probably why it hurts you.

it didn't hurt me AT ALL! it was a great coaster,espicially since only my toes could touch the floor!

ah forget my vite for richochet i'm going for hurler now,like vortex it wasn't a bad ride,but it isn't the most fun coaster there.

EDIT:(if you're wondering where i saw a pic of jamminJ,it was from a link on jon's old site called starcoasters)
By Deja Vu Dude
Trev32 wrote:
JamminJ wrote:Blah! Silly kids who think Vortex doens't suck.. must've have been dropped on their head too many times by their dopey parents! :huh:  :(

TAER IT DOWN! (It referring to Vortex of course)

-J (Who wonders how many of those same kids won't 'get' that.. :wacko: )

i've seen a pic of you on vortex,you look way to tall for the ride,that's probably why it hurts you.

it didn't hurt me AT ALL! it was a great coaster,espicially since only my toes could touch the floor!

ah forget my vite for richochet i'm going for hurler now,like vortex it wasn't a bad ride,but it isn't the most fun coaster there.

Hey Trev, I'm a tall person too. I think that if tall people get hurt on that ride, then that means that the B&M did not do a very good job of Vortex. Its not the tall people's falt. Its the coaster. Bring down Vortex!!!!
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By Jonathan
i've seen a pic of you on vortex,you look way to tall for the ride,that's probably why it hurts you.

What? He never said Vortex hurt him, and how have you seen a picture of him on Vortex?
By Carowindsman
hey i know lets get back on topic and settle this on votes
By Cephas
Cyclone. Lets get an Intamin Looper (clone of colossus) and call it Cyclone's Revenge
By carowindsfreak13
I think top gun will last but i want thunder raod to stick around for a while. It is such a classic wooden coaster
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By bgwfreak
Vortex for me too :) B)
By Carowindsman
ok Cyclone is out who is next

Scooby Doo's Ghoster Coaster
Thunder Road
Top Gun - The Jet Coaster
Borg Assimilator

Im going with Hurler
By Trev32

hey looka kiddy coaster and a family coaster outlasted vortex and cyclone!! man that's wierd :blink: :ph34r:

i'm starting to think thunder road will win.
By Dukeis#1
Ricochet for me.
By carowindsfreak13
I like the feel of vortex. It feels so conforitble and it rides very smooth.
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