JamminJ wrote:Blah! Silly kids who think Vortex doens't suck.. must've have been dropped on their head too many times by their dopey parents! :huh:
TAER IT DOWN! (It referring to Vortex of course)
-J (Who wonders how many of those same kids won't 'get' that.. :wacko: )
i've seen a pic of you on vortex,you look way to tall for the ride,that's probably why it hurts you.
it didn't hurt me AT ALL! it was a great coaster,espicially since only my toes could touch the floor!
ah forget my vite for richochet i'm going for hurler now,like vortex it wasn't a bad ride,but it isn't the most fun coaster there.
EDIT:(if you're wondering where i saw a pic of jamminJ,it was from a link on jon's old site called starcoasters)