General Carowinds discussion
By barrynyu
I'll add my vote for a nicer photo-spot of some sort once you're over the bridge. I know KI's fountains and tower are out of the question, but that's the idea. It's beautiful once you walk into that park. Use the sky tower in some way; move the stage elsewhere as it's hardly an iconic welcome. I love Fury at the entrance, but Carowinds really doesn't have anything unique in terms of an iconic structure (anymore).
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By cwgator
Perhaps no one really cared he was performing? Maybe it was the ticket cost...on top of parking cost (for those who wouldn't be going to Carowinds ). If it had been included with admission (like BG, SW & Universal do) there it would have most likely been full in there.
By RollerBee
Hmm, sounds to me like he was Fury-ious that only a couple thousand showed up.

Call me Crazy but I just can't see why they keep getting American Idols to perform. I know they are Coming Home but how many AI Stars really go anywhere. I say it is time to Let Go of the Paladuim and Shake It Off into a dark ride, cause it ain't 22 no more. The Love Story has ended, so much for My Happy Ending. Or better yet, how about a Flume ride with Logs.
And not once did I see a commercial about the Daughtry concert. The only place I saw advertisements on it were at Carowinds. If more people knew about it, then there might have been more of a turn out.
By kirkgun
cwgator wrote:Perhaps no one really cared he was performing?

I think this was probably it. And I don't intend to be insulting them. I was there last night (park, not concert) and my wife and I felt genuinely sorry for everyone involved.

I am not sure how expensive the tickets were. But although they didn't include the concert with admission, they did it the other way. They included admission to the park with tickets purchased to the concert. So, it still was an unusually inexpensive way to be entertained, all day long. But the way they structured the buy 1 get one free, entirely depended on one thing: did you want to see a Daughtry concert?

Not many people did.

Structuring it the other way (buy admission, get concert for free) means that the artist is going to get much less money per person who wants to see the concert. And if they ever had a popular artist come, people would be really upset if the Palladium filled up before they got inside of it. That'd make people really mad.

I remember things getting off-topic back while Fury was being built, discussing the future of the Palladium. Right now, it's a waste of prime park real estate. And I look at the Palladium as if they have have 2 real options (which don't need to be acted upon immediately, they can drag it on for few years).

1. Start booking acts that people are interested in
2. Tear it down and build something that people are interested in

I don't care which option they choose. I'd be happy with either one.

I've seen plenty of concerts since moving to Charlotte. I'd guess at least a couple per year. I've missed plenty of others that I would have like to go to, but missed out on for various reasons. I enjoy a wide range of musical styles. I have not heard of any shows at Carowinds that I'd pay money to see.
Last edited by kirkgun on July 3rd, 2015, 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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