General Carowinds discussion
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By shane235
Uhh... the slaughter house. Thats the only old one I have been through.
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By Kurgan316
DT3 wrote:Ones that I remember that have closed are fury, dead inn, camp killauee, and slaughter house.

Fury isn't closed.. it's just renamed "Viral" so that it's not confused with the 2015 NEW Rollercoaster "Fury 325".
By intaminboy
Dead inn, camp killiwee (I don't know how to spell it), and slaughter house we my absolute favorites. Does anyone know what takes up the dead inn building during the operating season because there is currently no haunt in there.
By coaster129
intaminboy wrote:Dead inn, camp killiwee (I don't know how to spell it), and slaughter house we my absolute favorites. Does anyone know what takes up the dead inn building during the operating season because there is currently no haunt in there.

It's an arcade,
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By pproteinc
All I can remember is the Slaughter House (wish they'd bring that back), Camp Killuwee, The Cemetery, Dead Inn, Alien Crypt 3D, and Headless Hollow. I would like them to bring back Slaughter House, that was one of the better houses to me at least and also bring something like KIIL-Mart at KI. That sounds interesting, well any maze at another park sounds interesting when you've been going to the same haunt for some years.
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By Jay
Going to bump this. I'm a hoarder for all things Carowinds so I went and found all my old Scarowinds maps. I didn't include any of the simulator rides or shows, so these are just the houses and scare zones. I'm missing 2008 and 2012, so if anyone wants to add those years be my guest.

Nightmare Manor
Dead End
Psycho Path
Alien Crypt 3D

Nightmare Manor
Carnival of Terror
Creature Feature 3D
Toxic Trap

Nightmare Manor
Alcatraz Escape
Sleepy Hollow Horror
Alien Crypt 3D

Massacre Manor
Alcatraz Escape
Headless Hollow
Alien Crypt 3D

Murder Manor
Slaughter House
Big Top Terror
Haunted Woods

Alien Annihilation
Big Top Terror
Dead Inn
The Dream Factory
Final Summons
Slaughter House

Camp Killauee
Last Laff 3D
Dead Inn
Silver Scream Sinema
Final Summons
Slaughter House
The Asylum
The Playground (Scarezone)
The Cemetary (Scarezone)
Feeding Frenzy (Scarezone)

Camp Killauee
Last Laff 3D
Dead Inn
Silver Scream Sinema
Defex Inc.
Slaughter House
The Asylum
The Playground (Scarezone)
The Cemetary (Scarezone)
Feeding Frenzy (Scarezone)

Camp Killauee
Last Laff 3D
Dead Inn
Silver Scream Sinema
Defex Inc.
The Asylum
The Playground (Scarezone)
The Cemetary (Scarezone)
Feeding Frenzy (Scarezone)

Last Laff 3D
Zombie High
Silver Scream Sinema
The Asylum
The Playground (Scarezone)
Feeding Frenzy (Scarezone)
Scary Tales (Scarezone)
Mass Acres (Scarezone)
London Terror (Scarezone)

Maybe one day I will have the energy and patience to scan all the maps, so everyone can enjoy. :crazy:
By coaster129
Last laff 3D
The Dead inn
The Asylum
Silver Scream Sinama
The cemetery
The playground
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By pproteinc
Hmm maybe if the bring back the haunts of old from the early years then would have a pretty good line up. I think the older haunts were scarier than what they are now, if I can remember then they went PG with it. OR maybe they can add new haunts and put ratings in front as in G/PG-13/R/MA with rated MA being the near death experience lol
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By Axel
they may keep dumbing them down even more... :(

Busch Gardens removes headless props in light of recent ISIS beheadings

U.S. theme park Busch Gardens has taken down its headless Halloween props after receiving complaints they're in bad taste considering recent ISIS beheadings of journalists and aid workers.

The props were ordered months before the recent atrocities in Iraq.

"We know there will be a lot of opinions on our decision to remove certain props from the park. We stand by it," the Virginia park said in a statement on its Facebook page. "The horrible tragedy and loss of life for journalists and an humanitarian aid worker in the Middle East is unspeakable and we would not want anything in our park to seem insensitive to that."

While some support the decision, others disagree.

"The two events have nothing to do with each other, so why were props even an issue?" commented Angelica Davis. "Some people can't seem to separate the real world from fantasy and fun."

QMI Agency
Friday, September 19, 2014 12:20:22 EDT PM
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By RiDeWaRrIoR

Alien annihilation
Last laff 3d
Dead inn
The dream factory
Final summons
Slaughter house
Cornstalkers (new in 08)
The asylum (new in 08)


The harvest
The cemetery (new)
Feeding frenzy (new)

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