General Carowinds discussion
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By tarheel1231
tinotoot wrote:Besides the point! Yes, Carowinds' CFA is expensive since it's at Carowinds, same with Panda Express. I do feel like Panda is better value if you like that kind of food. 13$ for a huge plate of (mediocre) Chinese food ain't all that bad! Harmony Hall is an okay place to eat too, value wise.

We are blessed to have Panda Express at the park, this comment is absolute heresy! :P
By uscbandfan
tarheel1231 wrote:
uscbandfan wrote:I don't think this the place to have a philosophical debate. But, Chick-fil-A has gone on record to say that they are not a Christian company. Just because someone believes in biblical principals doesn't make them a christian. Just look at all of those cults out there that believe in biblical principals. At any rate, I've read the materials to which you refer.

This is an example of the “No True Scotsman” fallacy. Chick Fil-A supposedly not being a Christian company is a bit odd considering that they’re closed on Sundays (Thou shall not work on the sabbath), and the fact that Mr. Cathy has gone on record as stating that “I see no conflict whatsoever between Christianity and good business practices. People say you can’t mix business with religion. I say there’s no other way.”

Now that’s not to paint Christians in a bad light. Ultimately Christians are an extremely diverse group, and you can’t paint them as a monolith because they’re complex just like any other person. But the idea that a Christian with different ideas than you is not a “true Christian” needs to stop. It’s an excuse that sweeps the problem under the rug and suggests that it doesn’t need to be addressed, rather than accepting the fact that Christians are human beings and prone to fault.

I'm not convinced they are homophobic. I know I am not. I also know a gay person that works at Chick-fil-A. Wy wife has too. So, I am familiar with the company.

As of 2012, they’ve supposedly stopped supporting anti-gay/political groups, so you’re not wrong. Knowing one employee who’s gay doesn’t really have any significance to this, so I don’t know why you brought it up.

Even if they are homophobic, who am I to judge? Have you read Matthew 7?

Tell me, if someone says or does something that offends you personally, would you think they are not worthy of judgment and criticism? For example, if someone made a distasteful statement about Christianity and Christians, would you simply abstain from criticizing them because of Matthew 7?

Not trying to attack you here, I just disagreed with some of the things you said.

That's cool. I always like a spirited conversation. I welcome it. Unlike others who always have to be right... (Chris).... "some book"... really?

As to your last comment. I get your point. I just feel that I'm not the one who should judge anyone. That judgement is supposed to come later.

I will say this though. Not working on the Sabbath isn't really a Christian thing. There are many religions and groups around the world that celebrate a sabbath and aren't considered Christian. But you do raise a point that it does bring a religious connotation. However, I can say that I am very impressed that a company can close on Sunday (or any day) and give up MILLIONS OF DOLLARS of income to make that kind of observance.
By uscbandfan
CarowindsFan wrote:Here is what the company itself says about closing on Sunday:

Exactly. While Cathy may have been a Christian, I don't think they've ever used "Christianity" as a reason behind closing. (Though I could be wrong.)

Whether its "Christianity" or "being with family" or whatever the reason, still, kudos to them in this world of take or be taken economics.
By LoveMeSomePrunes
Chris wrote:
uscbandfan wrote:Yep. Should be Chick-fil-A.

^ I'm the opposite. I DO go there for personal reasons. (Love the food too.)

To each their own. I can't support a business that openly donates money to groups that support homophobia. It's sad really because they claim to be Christians, while at the same time ostracizing fellow humans. What would Jesus do? I don't think he would do that.

This Thread has gone seriously off the rails. It is about Chick-fil-A being expensive...not people's personal opinions about whether the company supports or oppresses gay people or if the company is authentically Christian or not. Good grief. it's not that things have gotten's just really inappropriate here for someone to politicize a thread this way that had zero to do with the original issue.

Start a new thread if you want to talk about this controversial issue and your support or lack of support for the company because of it.
By Wood Coaster
All this talk about Chicken is making me hungry.

All the Meals at Carowinds are expensive.... If you are going to be there all day check into the Meal Deals & Pick 1 out that fits for that particular day.
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By Chris
uscbandfan wrote:That's cool. I always like a spirited conversation. I welcome it. Unlike others who always have to be right... (Chris)....

I start most of my opinion posts with, "I could be wrong (it certainly wouldn't be the first time)." (example: viewtopic.php?p=101179#p101179). No idea what you are talking about. Try again.

uscbandfan wrote:I will say this though. Not working on the Sabbath isn't really a Christian thing.

Ugh, what? :lol: It's literally one of the Ten Commandments.
Last edited by Chris on July 12th, 2018, 12:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By Chris
MISTER FANBOY wrote:no offense but i still dont know why this forum was made :think: :?:

To follow the construction of BORG: Assimilator.
By uscbandfan
It IS one of the ten commandments. Thank you. You paid attention in Sunday School.

Hence, the Jewish religion (for example) believes in them. But Jews are not Christians!!! To be a christian, by definition, you have to believe in Christ. The Jews believed that Jesus was an influential teacher but they did not believe him to be the Christ.

Enough said.

Let's lock this thread get back to what this forum is actually about...
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By Chris
uscbandfan wrote:It IS one of the ten commandments. Thank you. You paid attention in Sunday School.

Hence, the Jewish religion (for example) believes in them. But Jews are not Christians!!! To be a christian, by definition, you have to believe in Christ. The Jews believed that Jesus was an influential teacher but they did not believe him to be the Christ.

You've proven my point. You said "not working on the sabbath isn't really a Christian thing." It absolutely is a Christian thing. Is it also a Jewish thing? Sure. Just because it's practiced in another religion doesn't mean it's not a thing in Christianity. Except the Jewish sabbath is Friday night to Saturday night.

EDITED TO ADD: I also find it a bit crazy that you are saying we need to lock this thread and get back on topic when you are the one who had to reply to Edwardo that you do go there for personal reasons. You could have just skipped right over that one sentence in his post but no... you needed to voice your opinion. You apparently don't mind giving your opinion but when someone else gives their opinion, you say the topic needs to be locked. :lol:
By uscbandfan
But who is the one continuing on and on trying to prove yourself to be right? I've been willing to lock this thread from back then.

I don't think it should be locked because of opinions.... that's what this whole board is about. I think it should be locked because the topic has become nothing about Carowinds which is what it's supposed to be. And yes, I go to Chick-fil-A at Carowinds for "personal" reasons... i never said the reasons were "Christian" reasons. Another wrong assumption made by you.

Also, when I said "not working on the sabbath isn't really a Christian thing.", I meant that it was not ONLY a Christian thing. Meaning that if Chick-fil-A decides not to work on Sunday, it doesn't make them "Christian". (Yes, the hours of the sabbath differs per religion.) Probably everyone else on the board got it that way. Sorry you had to misinterpret.

Do you always have to get the last word in or can this thread end here?
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By Chris
uscbandfan wrote:But who is the one continuing on and on trying to prove yourself to be right? I've been willing to lock this thread from back then.

I don't think it should be locked because of opinions.... that's what this whole board is about. I think it should be locked because the topic has become nothing about Carowinds which is what it's supposed to be. And yes, I go to Chick-fil-A at Carowinds for "personal" reasons... i never said the reasons were "Christian" reasons. Another wrong assumption made by you.

Also, when I said "not working on the sabbath isn't really a Christian thing.", I meant that it was not ONLY a Christian thing. Meaning that if Chick-fil-A decides not to work on Sunday, it doesn't make them "Christian". (Yes, the hours of the sabbath differs per religion.) Probably everyone else on the board got it that way. Sorry you had to misinterpret.

Do you always have to get the last word in or can this thread end here?

And you said I'm the one who's continuing on and on? And you said I'm the one that has to have the last word? You could always quit this conversation right now. Yet you keep on going on. And then try to flip it when someone replies to you. Hilarious
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By Wormy
Every few years, no matter how harmlessly the topic of said chicken store is introduced to these boards, it inevitably degenerates into this same 'argument'. It hasn't been the first time, and unfortunately it won't be the last. Some valid points have been made here, and now that it is out of your systems, again, it will be dropped. And getting the last word at any cost is really clucking frowned upon.

Locked until 2021.

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