yawetag wrote:Glitch99 wrote:After 4 months of supposedly running rampant, this remains way, way to small for it to be anything close to what it's been made out to be.
That's because a vast majority of your vectors are only going out when needed, rather than standing in lines at amusement parks, walking by each other at a restaurant, and sitting next to each other in a classroom.
The mere fact that you aren't seeing the virus "running rampant" is because we aren't giving it the ability to do so.
Sure, for the last month. What about all winter, when people were doing absolutely nothing to mitigate the risk? If the actual risk was anything close to the potential risk everyone fears, half the country would've already been infected back in February.
Even in NYC, millions of people were "potentially exposed" hundreds (or more) of times per day for weeks straight, without becoming infected.
And that's ignoring the fact that we've thrown a laundry list of stuff at the problem, to produce the results. But what things are having the most effect? There are a number of measures that can be replicated in an amusement park environment, that could produce a bulk of the same success we've seen in general. Despite the insistence of some, it doesnt have to be all or nothing.
I'd probably skip the crowded theater, and I wouldnt pack people in like a Saturday night during Scarowinds. But in general, I predict that a day at Carowinds will be proven to pose minimal risk to the average patron.