Share thoughts, photos, and reviews from visits to Carowinds or any other amusement park
By Edwardo
It's a little late, so sue me. And I'll add pictures to this thread too. Eventually.

Chicago. Fifteen years ago, I spent 8 days in Chicago on a school trip and loved it. I’ve wanted to go back ever since. And I had lots of plans (most of them I didn’t realize on this trip, but there’s always next time, which WON’T be as far away time wise). The trip, as usual, was different than I’d originally planned, but it all came out in the wash.

So on Friday, August 29, 2014 I was graduating from 2 months of training at NC’s Justice Academy to be an actual Real Life Drivers License Examiner. It was a corny ceremony, but I said goodbye to all the new friends I’d made and eventually made my way up to RDU, which was closer to fly out of than CLT based on where I’d been staying for the past 7 weeks.

Friday I got into Chicago and met up with Jay Miller from Carowinds Connection at ORD, and we took off (after picking up our rental) towards the hotel. It was actually pretty cheap to fly in and stay in the burbs on Labor Day weekend (which was incentive for Jay to join me). Once we checked in we decided to head into the city. So we drove to the local train station in Lumbard, where we were staying, and hopped on. I love public transportation. There needs to be more of it.

I wish I’d booked a room in Oak Park like I was going to originally because it was close to down town, but oh well. We arrived around 8pm and decided to hit up Pizzeria Uno, the original Chicago Deep Dish Pizza. This was a first for both of us, and quite a walk, but so worth it. Once we got to the restaurant and as I was going in to put our name on the list (It’s usually a decent wait for a table and then at LEAST 45 minutes for the pizza), the Manager asked how I was and I said ‘Hungry’, so he said “I have a table for 2 right now just for you. And that’s unheard of, to walk right into Uno’s on Labor Day Weekend without a wait”. So yay for us. But Wait! It gets even Better!

We ordered our pizza, a small pepperoni and sausage, plus we each got salads. The atmosphere eating outside was electric with so many people walking down the street. It was a great feeling on a great weekend. And even though we were warned when we ordered that our pizza would take about an hour, 30 minutes later, our pizza was ready. And oh how amazing it was. I’m glad we didn’t get a large like I’d wanted, because I was stuffed.

We walked around a bit more and hit up some Chicago landmarks, and actually stumbled upon a taping of Chicago Fire, which we watched a bit (Fun Fact, another coaster geek, Frank, rode thru during filming and saw it too, but he didn’t know I was gonna be in Chicago for the weekend, sorry Frank!). Then we headed back to the train. Jay went back to the hotel and I went out for a while on the town. I really love Chicago.

I stumbled in (not really) around 3am, which meant I was gonna get about 3 hours of sleep since we had to get up and leave by 7am. Saturday was to be our day driving around Wisconsin to ride coasters.

And boy how early did 7am come. But I made it up. Jay had set his alarm too, but his tablet was still on EST so he got up an hour before I did. We both hit up the decent breakfast the hotel offered with the room and set off. Got in a little construction out of the city, but just before 10am, we had made our way to Wisconsin Dells and were pulling in to park at Mt. Olympus Theme Park.

I went in with really, REALLY low expectations, especially for Hades and it’s conversion to Hades 360. It was gloomy, with the threat of rain. But as we arrived, they were running a special for $15 for an all day ride band (it’s regularly $45). The good thing with the rain was that crowds weren’t horrible. We headed in and then down the hillside first as I needed a bathroom break. The first ride was Pegasus.

Pegasus-It was short, and we rode in the back, but it packs a punch. I loved the layout and the train was hauling thru the course with lots of pops of airtime. I really enjoyed it. Especially because I didn’t know much about it. It reminded me of a tamer Raven, and that’s good.

After that we headed over to Cyclops. I was kind of looking forward to it because I’d heard that when it was good, it was really good.

Cyclops-They just did a slight reprofile to one of the major drops. Jay said it used to be really insane, and I believe it used to run buzz bars (or was that Pegasus?). Regardless, I really liked Cyclops. It was aggressive and the drop that was reprofiled, to me, was still REALLY great. At this point, i was 2 for 2 at a notoriously bad park.

It was raining more now, and so we headed to Hades 360, the next closest coaster. The line was kind of long, and of course, there was only 1 train on each coaster. I will say that operations weren’t terrible as is usually what I hear. I’ve heard the worst about Hades, that it started great, but over the years was bad, and that the 360 conversion was still bad, but with a smooth inversion. Still, I was ready to ride.

Hades 360-Jay rode with the PTCs before the conversion and not long after it opened. His thoughts were that it was kind of boring now, but not rough as has been said. My opinion is vastly different. I actually REALLY loved Hades 360! The pre-lift section was great. This was my first time in Timberliner trains, which were comfy and tracked well. And the first drop is really good. This is Gravity Group at their best, even if the park doesn’t usually keep the ride up. Once we were down the amazing drop after the lift, I can’t tell you much about what happened in the dark. I thought it was amazing. Intense. Odd moments of airtime. All in the dark, and i loved it. Then we hit the inversion, which was really great, the beyond vertical banked turn, great again, hop up, then dive back underground, which, again, blew me away. Then it was back up, hop around, then you’re done. I loved it. I can only imagine it with the PTCs, but with the Timberliners, in the rain, I loved it.

The rain was slacking, then picking up, slacking, then picking up. So we headed to Zues, where it started to pour just as we were getting on.

Zues, which Jay actually liked, was a little rough for me. I think it had more to do with being on a wheel seat. It wasn’t terrible. The ride is aggressive (in a good way) and had air time, but I was a little underwhelmed. The trip out and back in the wooded area has potential, though. Next time I’ll ride in a non-wheel seat.

So we headed down in to the park, by the water park, which still had a decent amount of people in the rain enjoying the slides, and into the indoor ‘park’, which no longer has the spinning Opa coaster, and…really not much else interesting. Some kids stuff and a family Moser tower. Meh. But the columns out front are imposing. We were going to ride Hades again, but then Jay reminded me that we needed to hit up Timber Falls before we headed out and were on a timetable.

So we headed down the road to Timber Falls after we took some pictures, and the sky started to kind of clear up. It was $6.50 to ride Avalanche (they confirmed this was the name, even though some places call it Hell Cat). I wanted to do the log flume, but we didn’t have time. But we did to Avalanche.

Avalanche-Every small FEC needs one of these! It was really great, fast, and lots of airtime. I loved the layout and it was super smooth. Avalanche is as good, if not better, than everyone says it is.

As much as I thought of the Dells as some place I needed to get to once to get the credits and not go back, I kinda liked it there. It was like a mix of Myrtle Beach, Pigeon Forge, and with more wooden coasters than either. I actually would go back for a weekend. But it was time to go.

Even though it was on our way from Chicago to the Dells, we back tracked to Little Amerricka, for reasons I’ll get to in a bit. I had to have Jay drive after a while since I was so sleepy. We arrived and just as we paid and entered the park, another downpour came. And lasted maybe 10 minutes. Then it cleared up beautifully for the rest of the day.

So first we headed to Mad Mouse. This was the second one of these (though not a clone) that I’d been on.

Mad Mouse-Its scary because this one feels like it’s going to flip over. I still get scared on mice coasters. These are good rides, and far more unnerving than more modern mice. I got to ride all by myself on this one, when I was with AV Matt the last time it was uncomfortable due to our sizes.

The toboggan wasn’t open yet, but the kiddy coaster was and so we rode that. It was fun, and Jay and I were the only riders. I loved Little Amerricka, and wish there were more small family parks like this around. They had some classics, and everyone was friendly. After taking pictures, we headed to Meteor next.

Meteor-The first of 2 Jr wooden (mirrored/cloned) coasters of the trip, Meteor was good. We were in the middle of the train and got 3 rides before getting off. It’s cute for what it is, with small amounts of airtime, but more charm, which I really like. I’m glad the coaster is still going after all these years.

So next we went to the now running Toboggan. Jay got on, but had to hunch to fit in the car. I’d never rode one…and wasn’t meant to ride one this day. I was too tall to fit in the car. Boo. The ride op said that it was mostly due to the new padding, but I didn’t raise a fuss. I’d like to try one out, but if I’m too tall, there isn’t much I can do about it.

Next we hopped on the park’s quaint monorail, which was weird. Anyone know who built this? I loved it. Next we went thru the park’s odd, kinda scary, unnamed (?) haunted house. This was a neat way to add a haunted house. And a few of the gags got me. After we got off we walked around for a few more pictures, then headed back off.

Little Amerricka was only 2 hours from Green Bay, where Bay Beach park was. The Dells was 3 hours away, and because of drive time and park closing and opening times, we decided to back track, then head up (thru the country of Wisconsin, mind you) to Green Bay. This was my first time in the state, and we hit a lot of it up!

So we arrived at Bay Beach at 5pm, with a 6pm closing. First, I need to address something. When Bay Beach talked about adding Zippen Pippen, on Coasterbuzz, there were people (well, mostly person) who talked about how it shouldn’t be done with public money, bla bla bla. What i didn’t know, and what said person may not have realized, was that Bay Beach was already a successful municipal amusement park. And it was nice and apparently very popular. An hour before closing and it was still pretty packed! So apparently they did know what they were doing, but whatever.

So, Bay Beach was nice. And the weather was at this point beautiful. Rides took tickets, with no POP option that I saw. Tickets were only a quarter each, and Zippen Pippen took 4 tickets, so we got $10 in tickets, rode the coaster 4 times, and rode the Sea Dragon. But on to the important part.

Zippen Pippen-They had the sign from the original about how it was Elivs’ favorite ride. And I LOVED the retro sign/entrance. Really. And it was all lit up. Jay had ridden the original and wanted to compare. I was eager because Bill (gator) said it was worth the drive. And boy was he right! We rode in the front and back. The first drop was great, there was ample airtime, and the second to last hill had major ejector airtime. It was amazing. Watching the riders from off ride, you could see how powerful it was. On all our rides, it was just as good. This ride really delivers, and has a great layout. And it’s in a nice setting. I love it. I doubt I’ll be back to Green Bay soon (though I am kind of a Packers fan), but it was worth it this time.

So we took off and drove back to Chicago, stopping in Milwaukee for dinner at Cheescake Factory (Penny wasn’t working). Milwaukee looked quaint, but I have no real desire to visit there. But at least I can say I’ve driven thru.

We got back to Chicagoland around 11 and I went back out for another nite on the town, making it home around 2 or 3 again (I know it was earlier). I was able to sleep in on Sunday, though, as that was our sightseeing day, and Jay’s credit whoring day.

I slept in till about noon on Sunday. Jay left around 9 to hit up some random credits in the Chicagoland area. He made his way back to the hotel around 2. We left and headed to Safariland since it wasn’t very far from the hotel on our way in for Jay to get his last credit of the day. It was a really nice, fun looking place, with a tiger themed coaster off to itself. I opted not to ride, but when the ride started, all of the music and lights came on, and you got 3 circuits, so I kind of which I’d paid to ride. Oh well. It looked fun.

We parked near Buckingham Fountain, close to the lake front. We first stopped by the fountain for pictures, then headed over to the waterfront, something I’d not done the last time I was in Chicago. I love the waterfront in Chicago, much like the Riverwalk in San Antonio. As we walked down the waterfront, I had told Jay how I’d like to find one of the city bike rentals (it was only $7 for a 24 hour pass). I’ve been thinking of getting a bike but hadn’t been on one in years.

So we kind of wandered around towards Navy Pier until we stumbled upon a Divvy station. It took a bit to get the rental going, but eventually we were on our way. Kind of.

Jay rides his bike often, so he was fine, but I hadn’t ridden a bike in years and the area was busy with pedestrians and I really didn’t have the best shoes for riding a bike (I had Adidas’ version of the five finger shoes on, which I love for walking), so I didn’t do as well. Eventually we parked them at the station near Navy Pier.

Navy Pier is definitely touristy, and I’d been there before, but it is the home of the Ferris Wheel (though the original is no longer there). The line to ride the current wheel there was too long. They were doing quite a bit of construction on the Pier, but it was still nice. We walked toward the end and I decided I was going to do a Lake Tour, which I’d done before, while Jay said he was going to ride his bike more (Even though he decided to walk instead).

The lake tour was nice, but I took it at the wrong time. I really wish I’d taken one earlier in the day, or just an hour or two later so that the sun didn’t mess up all of my pictures. Speaking of pictures, My camera’s battery died, and I never went to pick another one up during the trip. My original plan was to get a new camera, which I’m working on now, before the trip and sell this one. Thankfully the iPhone 5 has a decent camera.

After my lake tour was done, I texted Jay and told him I’d meet him at Millennium Park. What we didn’t know (it was kind of a pleasant surprise) was that the park was hosting Chicago’s 36th annual Jazz Festival. I was able to get pictures of lots of the Loop area. And once I arrived at the park, I was happy and yet sad that there were around 10,000 or more people at the Pritsker Pavilion. You see, the Pritsker Pavilion and stage, as well as a near by bridge were designed by my favorite Architect, Frank Ghery. I would love to have gotten close to the stage for nicer pictures, but it was also neat to see it in use. I loved the overall park, though.

There was one small section with a concrete ‘stream’ where people were wading, so I had to as well. Then I met Jay at Sky Gate, or ‘The Bean’, which was neat to finally see in person. We headed over to the Crown Fountain afterwards, another amazing part of modern Chicago. We stayed for a bit before heading back over to watch some Jazz. Eventually, though, we were hungry.

Jay pointed the way to go, and we eventually found the Plymouth restaurant, which had three levels, with only the rooftop bar actually open (Which was just fine with the breeze). He had a turkey club that he said was great, and I had an amazing burger with Portabello and peppers grilled on top, with a Stella Artiois to wash it down.

On Monday, Labor Day 2014, we headed an hour northwest to Gurnee. Not to shop at the outlets, but to visit Six Flags Great America with the hopes that it wouldn’t be busy. The forecast was calling for rain all day, and it was drizzly all morning.

DISCLAIMER: This is a positive report of a Six Flags Park. If this offends you, please stop reading now. Apparently Six Flags really likes me. Better than you. All of you. Haterz. (winky and stuff)

We got to the park around 9:30 and got in line to the parking lot, which opened around 9:50, then parked right near the entrance. We had printed off $15 off coupons to get in to the park, and headed over to the entrance, which opened promptly at 10:00am. Most rides were apparently going to open at 10:30, but just as we got back to get in line for Goliath, which started in the bridge near the entrance, the rain really started. So that meant that rides were delayed. We hoped that rain would let up just enough for us to at least get our credits (Goliath was going to be 700 for Jay, and I was going to hit 300 at some point), and radar backed our hopes up.

Finally, the rain stopped, and the coasters started testing. Then they let us in line for Goliath. It was close to 11:00 when we got on, so a total wait of less than 30 minutes.

Goliath-This would be my 3rd full RMC coaster, though my first with all topper track (note: I have ridden Georgia Cyclone which has some topper track, and think it runs amazing now). I was excited. We rode in the front row. How was it? In a word-Amazing. Goliath has a great first drop. Then it goes up into the overbanked turn around that has pops of airtime in the entrance and exit. Then there is the airtime hill with some major ejector air. Then there is the dive loop, which has some awesome (and comfortable) hang time. Then it’s in the Zero G Stall, which, again, had amazing (and comfortable) hang time. Next you hit the other turn around with airtime in the entrance and exit, then up (with a shot of ejector airtime) into the brake run. It was really amazing. It’s got a short ride time, but it packs a punch. It’s not my new number one, but it was very good. Like a Mini Texas Giant.

So we walked over to X-Flight next, which wasn’t letting people in the line. We waited a few minutes for it to open, and once we got into the station, the ride went down for about 10 minutes, but we stayed in line. In fact, we were only going to wait about 5 more minutes, but then it opened.

X-Flight-This was my 3rd wing rider. It was much better than I thought, much like the one at Dollywood and Cedar Point. I love the twist and drop at the beginning. The Zero G rolls are really great that far from the track. Plus this one has some decent theming. I really liked it. Quite an intense wing rider, but not too much in the positive G department for me to not like it. It was compact, and fit into the park nicely. Great job on this one.

We headed to Southwest Territory next where Raging Bull dominates the skyline. Now, Raging Bull was the first coaster over 200’ I’d ever ridden, it’s debut year in 1999. I thought it was great, and I’ve ranked it high based on that ever since. It has a great layout, but it also has a notorious trim brake. Would I still love it? It looked like it was slower than even normal while we navigated the extremely long queue…

Raging Bull-The first drop and hammerhead turn is really great, but that stupid trim hits. Hard. And kills the airtime. It’s still a fun ride. I like the hills, the twisted layout and turns. And the ending that is speedy and low to the ground. They should really adjust the trip to hit a little softer. It could be such a great ride, but it definitely will drop in my rankings.

Southwest Territory is one of the nicest themed areas of any Six Flags. Next we went to ride the wooden coaster that really turned me onto being an enthusiast. I knew I liked coasters, but this is the one I raved about, even if it wasn’t my #1.

Viper-It’s still running as well as ever. I’m not sure why Psyclone formerly at Magic Mountain wasn’t just an exact clone of this, but it should have been. I love it. It’s smooth, fun, and has some nice airtime. Viper runs well and is well taken care of. I’m glad that this one didn’t have to drop on my list.

Next up was one of two credits that I missed at the park last time, the one that almost got away, Whizzer.

Whizzer-I liked the open air station. Whizzer was a fun ride that definitely felt like a Schwarzkopf coaster from the 70s. It has some slightly aggressive airtime, fun laterals, and a nice setting. It’s actually hard to believe it is in the middle of a huge park, as it’s very wooded, which is great. I’m glad they kept Whizzer. It was worth it.

We went to the Sky Trek Tower to take some pictures and then had a bite to eat at the newer fresh focused restaurant (I forget the name, but it’s for fresh, healthier food choices, and the chicken wraps we had were very good).

If I’m not mistaken, we hit up the Dark Knight coaster next, so that’s the rundown I’ll give.

The Dark Knight Coaster-This was the second of these I’ve ridden. I’ve been on the one at Great Adventure opening year and the year after with all the effects, and really liked it. This one, though, was actually kind of rough. Honestly, I’m not sure if much of the effects were working (I know the ending one with the horn was), because as we rounded out at the top of the lift, I hit my knee and it hurt. Bad. I was holding onto it, and then as we snaked thru down to the drops near the bottom of the structure, my Oakleys flew off. I thought I’d lost them. I was very, very upset, because they’re my second favorite pair of sun glasses (I have a problem with sunglasses, having well over 30 pairs of decent to really nice sunglasses). As the car stopped, I asked the people in the front row if by chance my glasses had slid up under their seats, and, much to my surprise and delight, the guy handed me my glasses. Whew. And I’ll never have to ride that again.

Anyways. We headed back next to plan my 300th coaster. Jay had been keeping tabs on me, so he told me that I was at 298, so what would be my 300th? Well, we were close to V2 and Little Dipper, so I decided that Little Dipper would be a good 300. That meant we were off to V2 first.

V2:Vertical Velocity-I love impulse coasters, but the braking backwards often makes me a little sick. Unfortunately the back brake on the spike was not on, but we did ride near the back, and these rides are freaky. I like them. And this one didn’t bother me on the final brake run. So bonus!

After that, which was a 3 train wait, we headed over to Little Dipper, which was probably one of the longer waits of the day at maybe a 4 train wait. They were only running one train. Oh, wait. It only runs 1 train. And yet it was still maybe a max of 15 minutes.

Little Dipper-My 300th coaster! It was actually just like Meteor two days before, except we only got one go around. But I really like what the park did with this. It looks great, and they have a lot of history surrounding the ride in signs and what not. It looks just fantastic. I’m glad Great America decided to save this one.

We made our way back to Goliath for another ride. The posted time was about an hour, and that’s really not bad since I’ve heard lines have been over 3 hours this year. But we didn’t wait but for about 20 minutes. I’ll thank Richard Bannister and another RRC poster for that, since they told us about the Single Rider line. In fact, at this point, there was a sign up. It works kind of weird. In fact, in order to keep down on line cutting, when you get in the regular line, they give you a ticket that has to be redeemed to ride, and it has to be handed in in sequential order. Neat idea to cut down on line jumping. As for Single Riders, they give you a lanyard and send you up the Flash Pass entrance, and as we found out later, when the lanyards are gone, you have to get in the regular line. But not this go round.

So we rode Goliath again, both of us getting on the same train, me near the back. Much like Texas Giant, I feel Goliath is a better front seat ride, as I was near the back for this ride. It’s still a killer ride, and was a lot of fun. I like the restraints on this as well, even with the shin guard, which I barely noticed.

So at this point there was only two more credits in the park I needed. I knew I needed one side of American Eagle, but couldn’t quite remember which side. They weren’t running both sides earlier, but later in the day started to, so we headed there after another quick ride on X Flight.

American Eagle (Red & Blue)-The blue side has a lot of Blue Man Group ads, which were really great. I really need to see their show one day. Anywho, we rode the Red side first, which was what I’d rode the last time. It was running great on the outbound, but kind of slow on the way back. Still, Eagle is a classic and ran very well. We hopped over to get my credit on the Blue side next, which was a little more aggressive (in a good way). I hope they don’t RMC this ride as it still runs well enough the way it is.

I know I did the Splash Battle, Buccaneer Bay, at some point, and I want to say it was after this. More parks need these, and this one was very well themed (with stationary theming that is easy to keep up). I had fun. This was the 3rd I’d seen, but first ridden. Did I mention I was wearing all white? Eh.

So we finally went to Superman Ultimate Flight. The last one of these in the US I needed. The line was about 30 minutes, so I guess it was actually about the longest. But the crew was doing the best they could.

Superman Ultimate Flight-These things are really intense, and I couldn’t ride after eating so we had to wait a bit. The first drop is cool, but that Pretzel is just way intense. I actually no longer enjoy these. I think Tatsu got it right. Otherwise, it’s a credit, and something that I’d ride if it had no line.

So we’d ridden everything but Batman and Demon. I’d toyed with the log flume but kind of forgot to ride. We went back to Goliath, but they had no single rider lanyards, so we didn’t wait, and instead walked to Batman (the original) The Ride.

Batman The Ride-This was my second inverted coaster ever. It’s still as intense as ever, and looks great. I’m glad that, even though they’ve condensed it, they kept most of the theming. That they were playing the soundtrack in the station was also a nice bonus (We heard Partyman playing, but no Batdance).

The park was ready to close at this point. Batman was our last coaster. Point of Fact, Batman was the last coaster of the day on my first and only other trip to the park 15 years ago. One thing I’d never done was a Condor, so we hit that up next. The lights were just turning on, and it was a fun ride.

Overall, the park was really nice. Much nicer than my first visit. It has a great lineup of rides, and a few winners. It was clean, and has a nice selection of non-coasters too. Food was good, great food offerings, and the staff was good as well. They could use a dark ride (convert that IMAX theater up front!), and I wish I’d have been able to hit up the water park and train, but oh well. Otherwise, it was a great park, and looks very nice.

We headed back to the hotel, tired. The day cleared up early and was beautiful and not too hot the entire day. The next morning it was time to head out. My flight was around 1pm, but Jay’s was around 7, so after we dropped off the car and I headed to my gate, he took a train to town.

I’m glad I got to go back to Chicago after 15 years. It most definitely won’t be that long in between my next trip. Chicagoland is charming (as long as you avoid the south side), and there is still so much more for me to do. And that includes another trip to the Dells.
By Tawny71
Sounds like y'all had a great time! Looking forward to seeing the pics. I know we've seen a couple from when each of you got your landmark credits, but I can't wait to see more!

The Toboggan Jay rode at Little Amerikka was my first coaster ever way back in the 70s when it was located at Dogpatch USA. From what I remember, it was rough as hell back then, so I'm sure it's awful now. Be glad you're too tall to fit. :)
By Edwardo
And now for some photographs...

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Delicious. Seriously.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Beautiful nite to eat outside.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

I'm in Chicago!

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

They were doing a live filming of Chicago Fire.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Arriving at the Dells.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

I'm sure the rain helped the coasters out, as it often does for wooden coasters, but I wish it'd been a nicer day. Also wish we had longer.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

We're here!

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Finally! Riding Hades 360 AND in Timberliners!

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

The drop was still plenty good to me. Sorry Jay!

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

I wish I hadn't ridden Zues on a wheel seat.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

So then we went to Avalanche, which was running very well. Too bad we didn't have time to just power ride for an hour.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

The log flume also looked fun.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Every FEC needs one!

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Next Up...Little A-Merrick-A (and this was just before the down pour).

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

We came for this...

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

...And this (these mice terrify me)...

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

And that...kinda...

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

And of course, this.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

I was told we really missed out not doing this.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

My only missed credit.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr


ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

The weird, but fun, Haunted House.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Let's all go to Chicago...

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Many of you aren't old enough to get any references I'd make to this, so I won't bother.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

I love the Chicago waterfront. Not a fan of the weed smell...

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

We did this. Well, Jay did this. I tried this.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Wish the original still stood here.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Navy Pier is touristy but fun.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Stupid Sun.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

I got on the wrong boat. This particular boat had a DJ and bar on top and was a huge party.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

And next I came to meet Jay here.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

The Pritzker Pavilion.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Sky Gate. Wonder who has to wash and wax it?

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

CarowindsConnection Represent!

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

I really wanted to play in the water, but oh well...

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Freaky, but fun.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

The 36th annual Chicago Jazz Festival.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Dinner at Plymouth restaurant.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

And drinks.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Last park of the trip. This was just before the rain hit.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

And this was just after. The ride is amazing, BTW.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

I would have named it Nitro, I think that would better have fit the area its in (Since they decided to reuse names).

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Taken at face value as a B&M looper, these are really quite fun.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

I've now ridden all three in the U.S.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

This was fun. Carowinds could use one.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Raging Bull dominates the skyline. Too bad the trim dominates the airtime.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Still looks cool, though.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr


ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Finally got to ride this. It was cool.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Still didn't get to do this.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Last time I was here, this was Shockwave.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Attention Carowinds: For 2016, please just clone most of this water park. Kthnxbye.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Better than the original.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

299! (stupid holding brake wasn't on...)

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

And 300.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

We needed another shot of this.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

I may need to go to Mexico and Kolmarden in 2016.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

Finally got both sides of this. Glad they didn't RMC it, but it could use some track work.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

It's like a Chihuahua, cute, but vicious.

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

What capacity issues?

ImageUntitled by Edward Beavers, on Flickr

And that's a Wrap!

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