Everything else goes here, including discussion of parks outside of Carowinds and any off-topic discussion
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By IamtheIntimid8tor
Haha, I've been a member for a little over a year now, but I guess there's no time like the present.

Name: Corey
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Where You're From: Monroe, NC
Where You Live Now: Monroe, NC
Hobbies (outside parks): hunting, drag racing, going to concerts with friends
Sports Teams You Cheer For: UNCC 49ers, UNC Tarheels, Carolina Panthers, Green Bay Packers, Oklahoma City Thunder.
College Attended/Attending/Hope to Attend: University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Majoring in Criminal Justice
Video Game Systems Owned: XBOX 360
Favorite Game(s): Too many to list! :lol:
Music You Listen To: Whitechapel, Oceano, Job For A Cowboy, Acacia Strain, Cannibal Corpse, any other kind of metal, Rise Against, Cage the Elephants, Five Finger Death Punch, Brantley Gilbert(not too big on country), and some old school rap.
Favorite Movie(s): Once again too many to list, haha
Favorite Book(s): WWZ
Favorite Food(s): Carolina whole hog BBQ, chicken n' dumplings, Italian food in general, chicken enchiladas, Jin Jins chinese, Five Guys, ect.
Favorite TV Show(s):House, The Walking Dead, Fringe, American Horror Story, Wilfred, ect.
What brought you to Carowinds Connection: Ummm....you know what, I honestly can't remember. Gonna have to get back to you on this one. :?
How long you have been interested in amusement parks: Since I was about 8 or so.
How long you have been visiting Carowinds: I've had a season pass for 13 years now.
Favorite roller coaster at Carowinds: Intimidator
Favorite non-coaster attraction at Carowinds: Scream Weaver I suppose, though the gliders come in at a close second.
Favorite amusement park: Bush Gardens in Williamsburg
Favorite roller coaster: It's a tie between Intimidator and Griffon
Favorite non-coaster ride: Tower of Terror
Anything else you want to say: *takes a bow* no words needed!
Last edited by IamtheIntimid8tor on August 25th, 2013, 7:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
By BBCastaway
Name: Not Available
Age: Not Available
Sex: Not Available
Where You're From: Not Available
Where You Live Now: Not Available
Mode of Transportation: Not Available
Job (or School): Not Available
Hobbies (outside parks): running, & biking
Sports Teams You Cheer For: None
College Attended/Attending/Hope to Attend: N/A
Video Game Systems Owned: Game cube, PS,PS2,PS3,WII,XBOX
Favorite Game(s): PC games
Music You Listen To: 80's rock, techno, rock, & a bit of dubstep
Favorite Movie(s): Top Gun, Crocodile Dundee I, The Mist, & Battle of The Buldge
Favorite Book(s): The Shining
Favorite Food(s): Steak, Seafood
Favorite TV Show(s): American Pickers, Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventures, World's Dumbest, & Simpsons
What brought you to Carowinds Connection:
How long you have been interested in amusement parks: Since my first year of living
How long you have been visiting Carowinds: Not Available
Favorite roller coaster at Carowinds: Hurler
Favorite non-coaster attraction at Carowinds: Not Available
Favorite amusement park: California's Great America or Carowinds
Favorite roller coaster: Wooden- Gwazi Steel- Space Mountain
Favorite non-coaster ride: Not Sure
Anything else you want to say: No
By scarierthenuthink
Not sure if I'm doing this right...

First off, I was brought here by someone who paid a visit to Horrornightnightmares.com We were posting in the SCAROWINDS thread. :) Thanks whomever you are! I didn't know this site existed.

Name: Sylvie (for short)
Where You're From: Sebring, Florida
Where You Live Now: Cherokee, North Carolina
Mode of Transportation: A magic carpet :P
Job (or School): Ninja
Hobbies (outside parks): Water colors, college, and NFL football
Sports Teams You Cheer For: Atlanta Falcons ATL & Mattie Ice forever!
College Attended/Attending/Hope to Attend: SCC
Video Game Systems Owned: XBOX360
Favorite Game(s): Anything Halo
Music You Listen To: New York Hardcore (East Coast) Thrash, and some Pop (What can I say? I like everything)
Favorite Movie(s): Pow Wow Highway "My war pony thew me!" :lol:
Favorite Book(s): Anything classic: Emily Bronte, Jane Austen, and the not so old, Seth Grahame-Smith
Favorite Food(s): Pulled Pork, hands down
Favorite TV Show(s): Once Upon A Time
What brought you to Carowinds Connection: someone that posted this site on www.horrornightnightmares.com
How long you have been interested in amusement parks: 10 plus years
How long you have been visiting Carowinds: 2 years
Favorite roller coaster at Carowinds: None
Favorite non-coaster attraction at Carowinds: The Peanut Gang area looks cute :D
Favorite amusement park: Universal Studios Resort in Orlando, Florida
Favorite roller coaster: The Mummy (Universal Orlando)
Favorite non-coaster ride: Despicable Me (Universal Orlando)
Anything else you want to say: Hey all! I'm new. *waves*
By Amandalizz
Name: Amanda
Age: Seventeen
Sex: Female
Where You're From: Madison, CT
Where You Live Now: Lake Wylie, SC
Mode of Transportation: Subaru Forester
Job (or School): Student at the Aveda Institute of Charlotte. Working at Cracker Barrel and Scarowinds.
Hobbies (outside parks): Archery, hair, frisbee
Sports Teams You Cheer For: I don't!
College Attended/Attending/Hope to Attend: The Aveda Institute of Charlotte. (I go there!)
Video Game Systems Owned: PS3
Favorite Game(s): SKYRIM!
Music You Listen To: Everything except for most country and all rap.
Favorite Movie(s): Sweeney Todd.
Favorite Book(s): Harry Potter & the Hunger Games
Favorite Food(s): Tortellinni
Favorite TV Show(s): Hmm. Law and Order: SVU
What brought you to Carowinds Connection: Scarowinds reviews
How long you have been interested in amusement parks: As long as I've gone to them, since I was around five.
How long you have been visiting Carowinds: About ten or so years.
Favorite roller coaster at Carowinds: Intimidator! :D
Favorite non-coaster attraction at Carowinds: Probably the whole Scarowinds, or the Spongebob Action Theatre.
Favorite amusement park: Universal Studios!
Favorite roller coaster: The Rock-It at Universal Studios! :D
Favorite non-coaster ride: Hmmmm... The Wizarding World of Harry Potter!
Anything else you want to say: I love hearing everyone's input, talking, and making new friends! :D
By allie418
Name: Allie
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Where You're From: San Diego, California
Where You Live Now: Charlotte, NC
Mode of Transportation: Mercedez 1999 SLK 230 Kompressor
Job (or School): Crazy person in the Asylum at Scarowinds. :D
Hobbies (outside parks): Music, friends, photography, video games
Sports Teams You Cheer For: I don't watch sports
College Attended/Attending/Hope to Attend: CPCC
Video Game Systems Owned: Wii, Xbox360, gamecube, old nintendo consoles
Favorite Game(s): Animal crossing
Music You Listen To: Pop, punk, screamo, anything but rap and classic
Favorite Movie(s): Disney movies. :3
Favorite Book(s): The Hunger Games
Favorite Food(s): Fries...
Favorite TV Show(s): Walking dead, Pretty little liars
What brought you to Carowinds Connection: Scarowinds reviews
How long you have been interested in amusement parks: I love the feeling of being on a roller coaster, and the adrenaline rush. :D
How long you have been visiting Carowinds: Since the early 2000's
Favorite roller coaster at Carowinds: Intimidator
Favorite non-coaster attraction at Carowinds: Scarowinds
Favorite amusement park: Disney World
Favorite roller coaster: Rock-n-Roller Coaster
Favorite non-coaster ride: Hmm, I don't know
Anything else you want to say: I love seeing reviews and things people say about Scarowinds.
By barrynyu
Hey everyone, new member, old Carowinds fan...well, not that old. Here goes:

First visited Carowinds in 1973 (yes, the train, the trolley, and cruising on the monorail over the old entryway pond was spectacular).
Worked Sound Circus shows 1987-88 while I was in college.
Originally from Burlington NC, moved to Hershey, PA early 90s...still there, so HP is our home park now.
Just returned for the first time to Carowinds this summer...oh my...lots to talk about.
Favorite Carowinds ride: Watched them build Carolina Cyclone, rode it a zillion times. But...after riding Intimidator, it gets the medal. Good thing you got the B&M version...
Favorite parks: Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Disneyland, HersheyPark (of course)
Special thanks to Swampfox43 for the awesome photo collection - thanks for the memories!
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By ChaseCross98
Name: Chase Cross
Age: 14
Sex: Male
Where You're From: Lexington, NC
Where You Live Now: Lexington, NC
Mode of Transportation: 2012 Ford Fiesta
Job (or School): South Davidson High School
Hobbies (outside parks): Politics (Which I will NOT bring up on CC)
Sports Teams You Cheer For: Appalachian State Mountaineers, Wake Forest Demon Deacons
College Attended/Attending/Hope to Attend: Appalachian State University
Video Game Systems Owned: XBOX 360
Favorite Game(s): RCT3, No Limts, and Call of Duty
Music You Listen To: Prefer Country, but also listen to Carolina Beach Music, and some Pop.
Favorite Movie(s): National Treasure, James Bond, and RV.
Favorite Book(s): Mostly Non-Fiction Books
Favorite Food(s): Lexington Style BBQ (Yes, I'm from Lexington, and if you haven't tried our BBQ then a 1 hour trip North on I-85 will bring you here!)
Favorite TV Show(s): Everybody Loves Raymond, The Andy Griffith Show
What brought you to Carowinds Connection: I have read the blog for sometime now and decided to join.
How long you have been interested in amusement parks: A good while, but just recently took a bigger interest.
How long you have been visiting Carowinds: 5 years, Season Passholder for 1 year starting in 2012.
Favorite roller coaster at Carowinds: Tie between Intimidator and Afterburn
Favorite non-coaster attraction at Carowinds: Woodstock Gliders
Favorite amusement park: Dollywood
Favorite roller coaster: Triple Tie; Afterburn, Wild Eagle, and Intimidator
Favorite non-coaster ride: Barnstormer (Dollywood)
Anything else you want to say: I'm pretty excited about being on Carowinds Connection and look foward to some interesting disccusions on Carowinds!
By jay71400
Name: Jay.H
Sex: Male
Where You're From: Mt kisko NY
Where You Live Now: Charlotte NC
Mode of Transportation: Hovercraft
Job (or School): Hopewell High School
Sports Teams You Cheer For: UNC, LSU, Oregon ducks
College Attended/Attending/Hope to Attend: Idk
Video Game Systems Owned: Ps3 and wii
Favorite Game(s): Call of duty series
Music You Listen To: EVERYTHING
Favorite Movie(s): The blindside, Gridiron gang, horror movies
Favorite Food(s): Pizza
Favorite TV Show(s): Mordern family, family guy, duck dynasty
What brought you to Carowinds Connection: Love of amusement parks
How long you have been interested in amusement parks: Age 7
How long you have been visiting Carowinds: Age 7
Favorite roller coaster at Carowinds: Intimadator
Favorite non-coaster attraction at Carowinds: windseeker
Favorite amusement park: Knotts berry farm
Favorite roller coaster: Millenium force
Favorite non-coaster ride: maXair
Anything else you want to say: nada
By CrabbieCabbie
Name: Julie Whitted
Where You're From: Grew up Detroit area, in Charlotte many years now
Where You Live Now: Charlotte
Mode of Transportation:
Job (or School): Carowinds Public Relations
Hobbies (outside parks):
Sports Teams You Cheer For:
College Attended/Attending/Hope to Attend: University of Michigan
Video Game Systems Owned:
Favorite Game(s):
Music You Listen To: a bit of everything!
Favorite Movie(s):
Favorite Book(s):
Favorite Food(s):
Favorite TV Show(s): Modern Family always cracks me up
What brought you to Carowinds Connection: I wanted to say Hi! (and I need the boards expertise for a project I'm working on. )
How long you have been interested in amusement parks: forever, I grew up going to Cedar Point so many happy memories!
How long you have been visiting Carowinds: long time
Favorite roller coaster at Carowinds: The Crabbie Cabbie, I know I'm a big dork! But my kids love it, that makes me love it.
Favorite non-coaster attraction at Carowinds: ice cream and cinnabon
Favorite amusement park: Carowinds! Followed by Cedar Point
Favorite roller coaster: when I was younger I looooved the Gemini
Favorite non-coaster ride:
Anything else you want to say: Just wanted to pop in to say "Hi" this is your fansite, and I don't want you to think like I'm lurking all the time. Carry on!
By Bigcoasterguy
Where You Live Now:Charlotte
Hobbies (outside parks):Baseball player
Sports Teams You Cheer For: Mets, Patriots and Lakers
College Attended/Attending/Hope to Attend:UNC
Video Game Systems Owned:Xbox (360)
Favorite Game(s):NBA 2k13 NFS most wanted
Music You Listen To: Dubstep, classic Rock, rap
Favorite TV Show(s): Go On, 1600 penn, Top Gear, Xtream coaster wars,blue bloods and sports center
What brought you to Carowinds Connection: just browsing coaster rumors and this seems like a popular site
How long you have been interested in amusement parks: 1 year
How long you have been visiting Carowinds: 1 year
Favorite roller coaster at Carowinds: INTIMIDATOR
Favorite non-coaster attraction at Carowinds: Windseeker
Favorite amusement park:Cedar Point
Favorite roller coaster:Millennium force
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By Merthecat
Name: Rather not say
Age: 15 (almost)
Sex: Male
Where You're From: NC
Where You Live Now: NC
Mode of Transportation: Not old enough to drive yet :(
Job (or School): Homeschooled
Hobbies (outside parks): Drawing, Music
Sports Teams You Cheer For: Panthers, Hurricanes, Bobcats, Jaguars (Jacksonville, FL)
College Attended/Attending/Hope to Attend: Hopefully ASU or NCSU
Video Game Systems Owned: None
Favorite Game(s): Minecraft
Music You Listen To: Dream Theater, Haken, Epica, To-Mera, Porcupine Tree, Avenged Sevenfold, Metallica, Liquid Tension Expirement, Blink-182, Pinkly Smooth, Silversun Pickups, Evanescence, Lacuna Coil, Linkin Park, Weird Al, basically anything but pop, rap, and hip hop. Too many others too list
Favorite Movie(s): Into The Woods
Favorite Book(s): WAYYYYYY too many to list
Favorite Food(s): Mac & Cheese, Pizza, Cake, Ice cream
Favorite TV Show(s): none
What brought you to Carowinds Connection: Googling "Carowinds new ride rumors", or similar things, and reading posts
How long you have been interested in amusement parks: Since I was born
How long you have been visiting Carowinds: 4-5 years
Favorite roller coaster at Carowinds: Intimidator
Favorite non-coaster attraction at Carowinds: Gliders, Windseeker, Scream Weaver
Favorite amusement park: Carowinds
Favorite roller coaster: Intimidator
Favorite non-coaster ride: Gliders, Windseeker, Scream Weaver
Anything else you want to say: That's all!
Last edited by Merthecat on January 23rd, 2015, 6:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.
By Donster1213
Name: DT3
Age: 14
Sex: male
Where You're From: Indian Trail, NC
Where You Live Now: Fort Mill, SC
Mode of Transportation:Car
Job (or School): BTMS
Hobbies (outside parks): Baseball, football, hockey, engineering, ps3, minecraft, computers
Sports Teams You Cheer For: Yankees, Sabres, Panthers, Heat, 49ers, SF Giants
College Attended/Attending/Hope to Attend: Don't Know Yet
Video Game Systems Owned: Ps3, ps2, N64
Favorite Game(s): Minecraft, Call Of duty, Mlb the show, NHL, Ncaa football, Madden
Music You Listen To: Rap, dubstep, pop, 50-70's pop, R&B, and soul
Favorite Movie(s): Sandlot, Hunger games
Favorite Book(s): Hunger Games
Favorite Food(s): Pizza, wings, french fries, spaghetti
Favorite TV Show(s): ESPN, Mythbusters, Duck Dynasty
What brought you to Carowinds Connection: Idk
How long you have been interested in amusement parks: Around 8 years
How long you have been visiting Carowinds: 9
Favorite roller coaster at Carowinds: Afterburn
Favorite non-coaster attraction at Carowinds: Drop Zone
Favorite amusement park: Carowinds
Favorite roller coaster: Afterburn
Favorite non-coaster ride: Drop Zone
Anything else you want to say: Best songs from the 50-70's similar to beach boys and gene chandler?
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By Kurgan316
Name: Chris Swinford
Age: 37
Sex: M
Where You're From: Newport News, Va.
Where You Live Now: Salisbury
Mode of Transportation: Car
Job (or School): Private Security Firm in Charlotte
Hobbies (outside parks): Spending time with my kids, reading, and music
Sports Teams You Cheer For: Washington Redskins and the Washington Capitals
College Attended/Attending/Hope to Attend: CNU
Video Game Systems Owned: PS3, PC
Favorite Game(s): Anything with Zombies and/or a good storyline
Music You Listen To: Shorter to say I don't listen to Country
Favorite Movie(s): Romero's Zombie movies, the Italian Zombie movies, pretty much anything with Zombies in it and I will watch it.
Favorite Book(s): Brian Lumley's Necroscope series, H.P. Lovecrafts stories, and WWZ/Zombie survival guide
Favorite Food(s): Sushi (Unagi, Spider Rolls, etc.)
Favorite TV Show(s): AMC's The Walking Dead
What brought you to Carowinds Connection: Found the site awhile back looking up info on Scarowinds.
How long you have been interested in amusement parks: Since I was a kid.. my first park was Busch Gardens Williamsburg.
How long you have been visiting Carowinds: About 10-11 years.
Favorite roller coaster at Carowinds: The Afterburner
Favorite non-coaster attraction at Carowinds: Scarowinds Asylum and Defex (Loved the Slaughter House)
Favorite amusement park: Busch Gardens back in the day..
Favorite roller coaster: I actually liked the Draken Fire... RIP Draken Fire.
Favorite non-coaster ride: The Log Flume at Busch Gardens
Anything else you want to say: Pretty much my favorite time of the year is Halloween season.. My friend's and I critique amongst ourselves different Halloween scare mazes.
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By thecoasterkid
Name: Collin Matthews
Age: 13
Sex: Male
Where You're From: Hickory NC
Where You Live Now: Hickory NC
Mode of Transportation: Not old enough to drive :lol:
Job (or School): Concordia
Hobbies (outside parks): Golf
Sports Teams You Cheer For: Appalachian State, NC State, Carolina Panthers, Indianapolis Colts, Wake Forest
College Attended/Attending/Hope to Attend: Hope to attend Wake Forest and play golf
Video Game Systems Owned: Xbox 360
Favorite Game(s): No Limits, Minecraft, CoD
Music You Listen To: Alternative
Favorite Movie(s): Paranormal Activity 1-4, Saw 1-3, Friday the 13th (original) When A Stranger Calls, South Park movie, All James Bond Movies
Favorite Book(s): I don't read that often
Favorite Food(s): Roast Beef baby! :lol:
Favorite TV Show(s): South Park, Big Break Mexico
What brought you to Carowinds Connection: Saw it in a google search
How long you have been interested in amusement parks: About 2 years
How long you have been visiting Carowinds: My whole life
Favorite roller coaster at Carowinds: Intimidator
Favorite non-coaster attraction at Carowinds: Windseeker
Favorite amusement park: Carowinds or Universal's IOA
Favorite roller coaster: Incredible Hulk :mrgreen:
Favorite non-coaster ride: Those cyclops rides they have at fairs
Anything else you want to say: I love Scarowinds and have been in every maze since 2010
By docmcnugget
Name: Tino
Age: 14
Sex: F
Where You're From: Ohio
Where You Live Now: NC
Mode of Transportation: Car
Job (or School): Future SCharacter!!
Hobbies (outside parks): Drawing, costuming, singing, playing the saxophone
Sports Teams You Cheer For: None
College Attended/Attending/Hope to Attend: UNC Charlotte
Video Game Systems Owned: Wii, DSiXL
Favorite Game(s): Just Dance, Pokemon Platinum
Music You Listen To: Alternitave
Favorite Movie(s): Grave Encounters 1 & 2, Sinister, Scott Pilgrim
Favorite Book(s): I don't read that much..
Favorite Food(s): Sushi!!
Favorite TV Show(s): Almost everything on Comedy Central
What brought you to Carowinds Connection: Talk of SCarowinds!
How long you have been interested in amusement parks: Since I was 9
How long you have been visiting Carowinds: Since I was about 3 or 4
Favorite roller coaster at Carowinds: Hurler to be honest
Favorite non-coaster attraction at Carowinds: Windseeker, I love the view!
Favorite amusement park: Cedar Point
Favorite roller coaster: Top Thrill Dragster or Maverick
Favorite non-coaster ride: Windseeker at Cedar Point
Anything else you want to say: Nooo haha
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