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mdsmith98 wrote:Wow. That’s an absolute shame they weren’t for a new coaster. Now we gotta hear the KI fan boys whine some more :roll:

Where did you get this information though?

I forget exactly where I got the information, but I know I saw it on someone’s Instagram account. I think it was @Tino.v2 I’m not sure if he can be trusted or not, but we’ll find out about a year from now!
Coming to Hersheypark in 2020 is Chocolate Town! This is a brand new area of the park that will feature a new B&M Hyper, relocated Carousel, shops, and other things here and there. You can read about it here: http://www.hersheypark.com/chocolatetown/

It looks really exciting. I wanted to get to Hersheypark this year, I may finally go in 2020 because of this expansion. This is what the park needed, and their lineup just got so much better.
So uhh... Gwazi is going to be 212 feet tall now..? Uhhhhhhmmm what?! I’m already on it with no limits but it’s hard to even begin when they say they’re making a new lift hill out of steel and using the old lift structures as ride elements.
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By cwgator
That's definitely the rumor. The magazine that printed it is quite reliable. If it's true, it might be better than Steel Vengeance. I'm here for it since BGT is one of me home parks...lol
From what I read, there is no tangible (article, source) of this other than a user on reddit and we all know how that goes **Cough SF 2019 ride list**. I'm just gonna take this one with a grain of salt for now . . .

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