General Carowinds discussion
What I thought was interesting was that these steps all go in order, so when they said “fold 5 times” I was thinking that was after the 2nd launch and that maybe this blueprint isn’t accurate after all.. But I’m thinking that was just a general step they gave at the end.. all of which seem to match blueprint. Interested to hear what the 530 is and confirmation on speeds. I still think it’s possible these could be converted to their Fahrenheit equivalents considering TTD and KDK both have slightly shorter tracks and go even faster.. we will see.
Dirkdiggler posted a few pages back that the numbers on the supports match the ones on the leaked blueprints, so that is in fact the real layout.

coasterbruh wrote:Could you share what those 6 are?

1. Roll out of the station
2. Vertical Loop #1
3. Corkscrew #1
4. Inverted Tophat
5. Vertical Loop #2
6. Corkscrew #2
tarheel1231 wrote:Dirkdiggler posted a few pages back that the numbers on the supports match the ones on the leaked blueprints, so that is in fact the real layout.

coasterbruh wrote:Could you share what those 6 are?

1. Roll out of the station
2. Vertical Loop #1
3. Corkscrew #1
4. Inverted Tophat
5. Vertical Loop #2
6. Corkscrew #2

This was my understanding from looking at the blueprints as well.
coasterbruh wrote:I don't think the top hat is inverted . . .
I could be completely wrong but looking at the blueprint zoomed in it sure looks like it inverts to me. Obviously it doesn't make a complete rotation but it appears to invert for a moment at the top and then twist back in the same direction.
Interesting stuff going on by the concrete pad...

Also, I truly hope the tophat inverts or does something interesting to make up for the fact that it won't be very tall. I hope it surprises like Fury's turnaround did.
If it is in fact 6 inversions, then they have it covered in the clues. They first mention "rolling" ingredients into copper pot, aka the roll out of the station. Then mention the 5 folds, the remaining inversions. That is all if it's 6 inversions.
Jfranchi82 wrote:How do you know height? Can anyone see on the blueprints by chance? I can never seem to find a clear pic of that

I mean I'm not totally sure but based on what others have said on here and just eyeballing the blueprints it doesn't look like it will be terribly tall. But again, we could be wrong.
Personally for the sake of airtime I hope the top hat isn’t inverted. I don’t believe it’ll be too tall which can work in our favor for stronger airtime instead of it crawling over the element. The fifth inversion could be a heart line roll at the end, similar to Icon. It’s hard to tell from the blueprint.
Those were my exact thoughts, the roll out the station, a roll into the brakes, the two vertical loops and a corkscrew.
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