Okay enough of breaking down every tiny hole the park is making and get to some interesting stuff:
On my way from Coney Island to Kings Island I took a little detour.. its about 6-7 miles off of the Cincinnati beltway in the middle of nowhere.
Yep I'm here.
Here is a picture of my awesome rental car a 2009 Ford Focus and .. oh wait look track!
Four pretty large pieces.
Ready to go I hope?
Ooh this piece is quite curvy.
Here is a bunch of platforms and catwalk type things, used for oh say brake runs and transfer areas?
Closer look at the platforms. The label was the same as the ones on the track so its all going to the same place.
Speaking of label:
Top of a hill perhaps?
Based on the support connection I would say that this piece will be going up. Or down.
Bottom of a hill perhaps?
Lets move on to supports.. these are pretty big..
This strange looking piece will be the top, and connect to the lift track.
Unfortunately NONE of the supports that I saw have paint on them.
There are a ton of smaller ones here.
Now class here is an overview of what we learned today.
Overview of the supports.
While I was driving around to get out I saw these pieces getting ready to be painted.
Crap I almost forgot the money shot.
A few notes:
* The track was all Fire Engine red (much like Vortex.. was..) where as Diamondback is more of a Blood red, so they aren't exactly the same color.
* The yellow track seen in previous pics was NOWHERE to be found on my visit, my guess is that it has been shipped.
* The supports have no paint on them at all, not sure when that happens.
* There were no fences, borders or anything else to keep me out, I could have walked completely around the building probably, but alas I was too afraid.
* I tried to take a piece home but it did not fit in my carry-on. Sorry guys.