OK here we go...
This date seems to be important. It's showing up everywhere.
Me thinks this view is going to be much more vertical next year.
Jarvis left us something at Coaster Stock!
Closer still. No, 12 coasters isn't enough! It says something like "200 lbs" on there. So I'm guessing either a 200ft drop or lift. Let's hope for 230ft lift and 200ft drop.
The side has writing...lets look closer.
White Lightning Strikes Back!
I have no idea what this means.
These banners have shown up on Fence: The Ride.
Work continues.
I'd think that track will be here before the announcement with the progress they are making.
A bigger view.
Even bigger.
And that's about it. The park seems to be doing very well this year. It was just opening, and the parking lot was already about 1/4 to 1/2 full.