Well, it's time someone did an update instead of worrying about breaks and invertions.
First up, I can't resist this after seeing this today... WASHING MACHINES UNDER THE BRIDGE!
OK, I'll put that joke to rest, until I think of another HUTB joke. But next year we'll really have to put it to rest.
Dirt porn daytime. But wait, night is coming!
The footers ma'am, just the footers.
Did anyone figure out what this is?
In the shadow of the...Sky tower.
If the window wasn't so cloudy you'd easily see that red B&M track peaking over at us from behind Thunder Road.
And what are we digging here?
Hmmm.. Jarvis must be making an appearance.
I almost forgot about taking some perfectly legal pictures of track!
Still only 6 pieces out there so far. I like this view a lot more than last year and that certain blue track that was out there.
And now for DIRT PORN IN THE DARK!!! Here we see one of the Decepticons dropped by the park to destroy the footers.
Look! They finished the station today!
Cue any Blair Witch joke you can think of.
And a few random updates: my car has arrived.
Apparently you can come in the first time without a shirt, but you need one to come back in.
This would be such a nice shot with the moon and all if it weren't for that stinkin' trash can!
Looks kinda Haunted Mansionish at night, no?
And that's all for now peeps. Ride On!