General Carowinds discussion
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By Jonathan
They are very similar rides, but the outbound run on Diamondback has awesome airtime with the first drop and two camelback hills before the turnaround. There is only one trim on the ride and it is on the camelback hill after the turnaround, so the first part of the ride cannot be altered, making it fantastic every time. The trim on the 4th hill doesn't really affect the ride much either, and even if it did the mid-course is right after. The next thing that gives it an edge to me is that while Intimidator kind of starts to die out after the mid-course, Diamondback still has some nice moments left, with 4 nice moments of airtime. There are 8 airtime moments on Diamondback as opposed to 6 or 7 on Intimidator.

So, less temperamental outbound run on Diamondback since there are no trims, better second half, and the water splash is cool too I guess. Both amazing rides, though! I have been on 251 steel coasters, so it's kind of splitting hairs debating between my #3 and 4. It's just interesting to compare the two rides since their stats are nearly identical and they were built a year apart.
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By RiDeWaRrIoR
Jonathan wrote:They are very similar rides, but the outbound run on Diamondback has awesome airtime with the first drop and two camelback hills before the turnaround. There is only one trim on the ride and it is on the camelback hill after the turnaround, so the first part of the ride cannot be altered, making it fantastic every time. The trim on the 4th hill doesn't really affect the ride much either, and even if it did the mid-course is right after. The next thing that gives it an edge to me is that while Intimidator kind of starts to die out after the mid-course, Diamondback still has some nice moments left, with 4 nice moments of airtime. There are 8 airtime moments on Diamondback as opposed to 6 or 7 on Intimidator.

So, less temperamental outbound run on Diamondback since there are no trims, better second half, and the water splash is cool too I guess. Both amazing rides, though! I have been on 251 steel coasters, so it's kind of splitting hairs debating between my #3 and 4. It's just interesting to compare the two rides since their stats are nearly identical and they were built a year apart.

OH! OK. Well that makes sense. I wish we had 2 hills before the turnaround, but its all good. Interesting that there are no trims on the way to the turnaround though, I guess because there are 2 hill rather than one? I saw on facebook that I-305 was #1 steel coaster on something, forgot if it was NBC or something? Anyways, diamondback sounds awesome! At coasterstock I rode Intimidator with the woman (the older lady) that has rode diamondback over 70 times, I think she was actually interviewed on the news up there... haha she was really nice!! I cant wait to ride I-305 next week and I hope to ride diamonback someday..
By RctWeekly
The only thing that makes Diamondback not have two times is that the brake run hits earlier so there is no need for another trim.
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By bgwfreak
I'm starting to really wonder what the purpose of the trims on Intimidator is.

If the ride is super intense without them, and when you have a half full/empty train they don't come on then isn't the intensity higher then (which it is) than when you have a full train and they do fire?

What I'm getting at is, was B&M concerned about the faster speeds and thinking the ride could hurt itself by being too fast for specs, wheels, whatever?

All the other 3 B&M hypers I've been on, it seems like the trims always fire no matter what. But Intimidator's is more to do with the weight of the train.

Either way, I've gotten so many trimless rides on it, or very lightly trimmed and those in my eyes beat all the other 3 B&M hypers I've been on. When the trims do fire, I'd say Diamondback is better.

Either way it's a great ride, and I'm very thankful to finally have a hyper so close to home.
bgwfreak wrote:What I'm getting at is, was B&M concerned about the faster speeds and thinking the ride could hurt itself by being too fast for specs, wheels, whatever?

If I had to guess, this would be the reason.
By RctWeekly
This is from the Coaster Critic's site about the whole trims explained on intimidator, big thanks to the Coaster Critic.

Trim Brakes Explained
A common misconception about the trim brakes on Intimidator (and perhaps on other coasters) is that the park ‘turns them on and off at times’. The maintenance staff explained that Intimidator is programmed to apply the trims if a train is traveling too fast. The train’s speed can vary by the number of riders and even the time of the day. They confirmed that Intimidator runs a bit faster in the evening after the grease and track have heated up throughout the day. The trim brakes themselves actually have a stop watch that is timing how quickly the train goes from one point on the track to another. If it reaches the second point too quickly the trims are applied, slowing the train just a bit. Lastly, I asked who decides how fast the trains should go. They answered that the trims are set to the designer’s (Bolliger & Mabillard) specifications.I kept hearing enthusiasts hoping for a trim-less ride. Some even asked for the park to turn them off. Hopefully, this bit of information will shed some light on how they work.
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By bgwfreak
You can get a trimless ride, just ride when the train is half empty. :lol:

I really think it's us though that are bothered by the trims. I've yet to hear a GP say "That trim just killed the whole second half!".
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By arby
Because the GP doesn't know what a trim is.

I resemble that remark. I have felt it on numerous coasters and just always called it 'the brakes.' I never knew that 'trim' was until reading through some threads here. I took my time and read other threads to find the answer first before asking though. :D Now instead of just lurking and reading I've joined so I can be part of the discussions. I'll now get back on topic...

I look forward to riding the Intimidator this fall. We haven't been to Carowinds since CF bought them but are finally going to try season passes there again for 2011. Thank you everybody for sharing your experiences. We're excited about giving it a try.
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By coasterfreak
Blue Moon wrote:Because the GP doesn't know what a trim is.

They might not know what it is, but they sure feel it! I'll be riding, and everyone around me grunts and what not when the second trim grabs :lol:
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By Jonathan
A common misconception about the trim brakes on Intimidator (and perhaps on other coasters) is that the park ‘turns them on and off at times’.

.I kept hearing enthusiasts hoping for a trim-less ride. Some even asked for the park to turn them off.

That's kind of funny because they DID turn the trims off for ERT didn't they?
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By Cosmo_TAD
coasterfreak wrote:
Jonathan wrote:That's kind of funny because they DID turn the trims off for ERT didn't they?

Yes they did, and it was the best hour and a half of my life!

How do you know they were turned off?
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By Jay
If we are talking about Coaster Stock ERT I distinctly remember both trims firing on some of the first few rides with full trains. As the night wore on and the trains got emptier they hit less and less though. Until the last 15 minutes or so when they didn't touch at all and not even the midcourse was grabbing.

Good times. :mrgreen:
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