General Carowinds discussion
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By RiDeWaRrIoR
JamminJ wrote:If we are talking about Coaster Stock ERT I distinctly remember both trims firing on some of the first few rides with full trains. As the night wore on and the trains got emptier they hit less and less though. Until the last 15 minutes or so when they didn't touch at all and not even the midcourse was grabbing.

Good times. :mrgreen:

Yea me to the 2nd trim fired a few times for me as well, the MCBR hit every time and I think there was maybe 3 or 4 times that the 1st trim didnt grab like it usually does....
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By coasterfreak
Cosmo_TAD wrote:
coasterfreak wrote:
Jonathan wrote:That's kind of funny because they DID turn the trims off for ERT didn't they?

Yes they did, and it was the best hour and a half of my life!

How do you know they were turned off? might have been the obvious, underdone, piece of typing paper on a control box to the right, right before the lift hill with the words,


I did have ONE trimmed ride...but it didn't kill the rest of the time I had riding.
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By bgwfreak
I was told by a member of the ride crew that they didn't touch the trims.

It's just that when the trains are empty, there is no need for the computer to turn the trim on because the train isn't going as fast without as many riders.

At least that's what I was told.

I tend to believe that, cause this week during employee ride night, when the trains were half empty the second trim didn't even fire.

CoasterFreak I think the sign was made up as a joke.
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By coasterfreak
bgwfreak wrote:I was told by a member of the ride crew that they didn't touch the trims.

It's just that when the trains are empty, there is no need for the computer to turn the trim on because the train isn't going as fast without as many riders.

At least that's what I was told.

I tend to believe that, cause this week during employee ride night, when the trains were half empty the second trim didn't even fire.

CoasterFreak I think the sign was made up as a joke.

Our first few rides the trains were FULL and it still wasn't firing.
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By RiDeWaRrIoR
The first few trains I was on it did fire, so maybe you just got lucky? Who know's. Maybe @ C3 we can just ask. I would think they didnt turn them off but oh well it is what it is...
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By derek_lentz
I rode 13 times during coasterstock, many of which were full trains, and only during 1 ride right in the middle of the ERT did the second trim fire. Whether they turned them off intentionally or not, I have not add that many untrimed rides total the rest of the year.
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By bgwfreak
Got to experience the ride 3 times with my cousin yesterday and his family. He hadn't been on a coaster in a few years, and loved Intimidator.

Also, it's interesting how the restraints allow certain body types on and not others. He's about 40 lb. heavier than me, but also about 6 inches taller. They had to jump on his restraint, but he still got to ride all 3 times.
By Edwardo
coasterfreak wrote:I did have ONE trimmed ride...but it didn't kill the rest of the time I had riding.

I only felt it kick in once, and it was about the 4th or 5th ride I got riding in the front with Bill (rollergator) with a half full train. We never felt it during the first few rides, and were hoping that that one was a fluke (which it ended up being).
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By coasterfreak
Edwardo wrote:
coasterfreak wrote:I did have ONE trimmed ride...but it didn't kill the rest of the time I had riding.

I only felt it kick in once, and it was about the 4th or 5th ride I got riding in the front with Bill (rollergator) with a half full train. We never felt it during the first few rides, and were hoping that that one was a fluke (which it ended up being).

Exactly the time it happened for me, we were probably on the same train.
By pb3176
was at the park riding during power hour and must say that is a great time to ride. im sure most know what that is but for those who dont. it is a hour where the ops are trying to break a record. lines we so short and for it being from 2 - 3 in the afternoon. i rode 4 times in that hour longest line i seen was straight out to the sign.

there have also been a few times during the day i have not felt the second trim grab and once did it feel like the mcbr did not grab. you can tell the mcbr because it kinda tosses you forward when you break momentum.
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By billcollins531
Rode the Intimidator 9 times this Sunday. The trims were kicking hard through all 9 rides, but strangely the MCBR only kicked in once or twice. The only problem I have with the trims is that it kicks you forward in your seat, kind of ruining the smoothness of the ride. Not complaining though, I love my Intimidator.

On a side note, there were some guys on the same train as me that absolutely loved the ride. I started talking to them and they said they came down from KD because "their intimidator sucked so bad". I just thought I'd share that. :lol:
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By arby
My daughter got to go to the park this past weekend and absolutely loved Intimidator. I'm slightly jealous because I haven't gotten to ride it but I will as soon as I can get 2011 season passes and get to the park. :mrgreen:
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By Cosmo_TAD
Thought everyone should know this, tonight and saturday night is the Scarowinds competition with Kings Island and Canadas Wonderland. If you want to be part of the winning team be at Intimidator at 645pm tonight!

Just fyi, we dominated in July...
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