General Carowinds discussion
By RctWeekly
I have seen it almost not complete the curcit and is was mostly because it stopped on the brakes and they let it go from there but I'm pretty sure it is supposed to be able to come from a complete stop on the brakes over the hill to finish out the ride or every time it would come to a complete stop on the breaks they would have to push it over the rest of the ride.
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By bgwfreak
B&M designed the coaster so that if it is stopped on the midcourse, that it will still make it to the brakes. By the way the word is "brake" not "break".

Brake= What is applied when you want to stop your car or a coaster.
Break= What you want to get from a cop when you're pulled over for speeding.

The coaster always makes it to the brakes, even if it is stopped at the midcourse.
Rode The intimidator for the first time, long way to get there but soooo worth it! The entire way up on my first ride, i kept yelling at my friend, i hate you i hate you i hate you i hate you....
Now it's my Fav ride! :D
I wonder what the chances are of Carowinds ever cutting the trims off for good... slim to none I am sure.

This would be very close to my #1 steel if they cut those trims off.. although the airtime is always great, I can't help but see this ride's potential without trims hitting.

I know the name of the game for B&M is consistency consistency consistency... yet just a few yards from intimidator is Afterburn, which is easily one of the most intense B&M coasters, with absolutely no trims.. if they are willing to cut the trims off when the cameras turn on (Burt the Conqueror, Kerry Earnhardt) I cant see a strong argument to keep the trims running for anyone. The difference in speed and in wear/tear between the two speeds cant be much... and the same natural forces... wind, steel temperature, affects Afterburn/vortex just like intimidator, yet it seems the manufacturers are willing to let those forces affect that ride with inconsistencies... why? Why allow certain rides to operate to their maximum potential, yet hold other rides back in the name of absolute consistency?

is there any point to raising this issue?

I just want to see our hyper operate at its greatest potential for all patrons, and not just for a few people on special occasions. It is telling that they cut the trims off for certain occasions- the Carowinds management acknowledges what the trims do to the ride, and that is why they break the "consistency" for certain people. It just seems disingenuous.
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By Blue Moon
They didn't turn the trims off for Bert. Chances are they were on for Kerry also they just didn't catch while he rode since that ride was on opening day literally minutes before normal operation.
Honestly dude there is a huge difference of comparing the winds on Afterburn and Vortex. The winds are much higher on Intimidator due to it's hight. I have been on a trimless ride of Intimidator a few times and honestly there is not a huge difference. You still get a sick amount of airtime. B&M keeps these trims so they won't have to replace the wheels on the ride all the time.
LOL what is the BIG deal about trims? Think about it, if the trims only hit when the coaster is going to fast, then when they dont the train is already going the speed that it needs to be going. When I did the speedometer app on my phone 2 times the speed at the top of the 2 trimed hills were the same each time pretty much. The train is going about 35mph over the hills. The phone app couldnt keep up with the first drop speed and its hard to see the screen on the phone with the sun blasting down. I havent been to the park for like a month...I need to go back... Anyways yes it sux when the trims hit, but if you think about it, the trains going the same speed...
RiDeWaRrIoR wrote: The phone app couldnt keep up with the first drop speed and its hard to see the screen on the phone with the sun blasting down.

So let me get this straight here and please correct me if I am wrong here please. You used an app on your phone to test the speed of this coaster? That would mean that during your ride, with other people on the ride with you, that your phone would have to have been out and in your hands during the ride correct? But if that is true then you would have been breaking one of the rules correct? And if I recall you are an ACE Member also?
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By Cosmo_TAD
Well lads, the time has come. I have finally retired from the Intimidator. It was great working with everybody the last two years, I liked to stay pretty low key as I loved reading what everybody had to say on here and take it back to the ride.

Also just FYI, this years competition was handily won by Team Intimdator this weekend. On the 1st the ride was operated at 1600+people for 9hours straight! Lets see any other B&M keep up with our crew.

Again thank you to everybody for the last two years!
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By Wolf
Intimidator is my favorite ride at the park. Nothing stands up to it when it comes to speed, height, and overall experience. Of the 30+ times I've been on it, I'd have to say my best experience was riding in the back coaster. When you're in the back and the first coaster starts to go over any of the hills, you get whipped over the hill before you even start to go down. It's incredible... Makes the ride feel a lot faster than it already is :D
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