chknwing wrote:your turn around is currently occupied by The Grove. Its not that grassy area anymore
Yes I am aware; however, I wasn't when I drew this. I meant to say the grove when I said plaza. This is actually a lot of fun creating and seeing ideas untill the official announcement, bring back memories of our intimidator sketches.
There are only three possible paths that I can think of this coaster going. Red and yellow are the two potential paths that I could see based on the information from the German source about crossing state lines. There is a possibility of blue, however doughtful as this route would not cross state lines, and disrupting the season pass parking lot. Red is a possible path, it would make our "under the bridge" joke a reality. However, this would cause a change in rip roaring rapids. I noticed this path would go straight through the storage shed. (I think that is the storage shed, if someone can help me out). If this is a possible path, I could see the lift hill between rapids, and the amitheater, and the first drop would go straight under the bridge. This however would cause a change in the maintaince road, as I heard is too reliable. Honestly, I see yellow as a number one choice for a entrance coaster, and red would be my second choice.