Legoguy1395 wrote:Just throwing this out there even though I'm sure it has been before, here are the last two marketing campaigns things from Carowinds go like,
White Lightning leak = Intimidator
Wright Brothers tease = Windseeker
So that probably means that
Centurion leak/tease = Fury325, or some other name like that
Intimidator had the tire track teaser with the words 'record breaking, history making....' on it, so I wouldn't be surprised if our giga is named Centurion. Windseeker's teaser can be argued, but wasn't their another teaser for it that kind of gave it away?
Carowinds-2012-Teaser-Image-Wind-216x300.jpg (21.45 KiB) Viewed 3145 times
Something about 'soaring to new heights' was on it. Based on recent history with Intimidator's second teaser having tire tracks on it, and Windseeker's teaser that described riders flying to new heights, this 'Rome wasn't built in a day' teaser might be giving away Centurion already.