goldsteh wrote:Hey Jarsh. How about your 2 cents.
LOL! I suppose I can chime in.
The yellow and black complete transformation banner is in reference to the whole "Rome wasn't built in a day" theme as well. It is simply stating that the park is about to undergo a MAJOR transformation. And by major, I'm not just talking about the coaster or the entrance plaza. I'm telling you folks... The announcement on the 21st is going to blow people away. People who haven't been to this park in several years will not recognize it after the next few years of changes happen. And yes, the "Above & Below" refers to everything going on above as well as the tunnel(s) on the coaster. The below could also be referencing the infastructure that is happening (electrical, water, IT, etc) that is being added in the ground for future expansion.
I think the "Can Lightning Strike Twice" banner is, in a way, playing up to us coaster geeks. In my opinion, I think it's referencing that this coaster will be the second B&M giga by asking "Can B&M create their second coaster over 300'?" The answer is a resounding yes.