General Carowinds discussion
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By dianals
Speaking of the lockers...are these new lockers meant to be "all-day" lockers? Or, are they situated in a position where they are only for those riding Fury? Granted, at a cost of $2/hour, I can't imagine a lot of people wanting to store their stuff all day. But, could it turn into an issue of people using some of the lockers all day, causing there to be not enough for those who are actually riding?
uscbandfan wrote:Here's an honest and necessary question.

I'm a diabetic and wear an insulin pump on my belt. When I visit parks, I wear a fanny pack so i can put my pump in there. (The reason is because bouncing around on rides has caused the belt clip to actually break while bouncing around or being pinched in the seat.) A broken clip is NO fun because the pump wont fit in my pocket unless I'm wearing the baggiest of cargo shorts. (Even then no guarantee it wont fall out during a ride.)

When wearing my fanny pack, I turn the pack to the 10 or 2 area between where the seat and the restraint meet. Never had a problem on any ride. Even Intimidator which has the exact same seats as Fury. What 's gonna happen on Fury? Sure, I can put my pump in a locker for 10 minutes but not for hours on end while I'm waiting in line. (I also can't afford to purchase locker space all over the park every time I want to ride to use for one small item.)

Sure, I go ahead and put my wallet and sunglasses, etc in there as well and use it for more than just the pump, but I wouldn't even bring a pack into the park if wasn't concerned about the pump. (I can take my sunglasses back to the car when it gets dark.)


I"m sure that, since you have a medical condition and have had no problems with the pack yet on rides, the park should be fine with you having it on Fury. They can't deny you having that with you in line. That is potential for a lawsuit. I'm sure that the park will be fine with you wearing it in line.
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By chknwing
redrunner97 wrote:
My concern isn't so much what I'm bringing into the park, but what I acquire at the park.

If I pay $20 for a souvenir cup, then I have to pay $2 per hour to store it, I don't think that's very fair.
Same thing goes with basketballs, or clothing, or glasses, or any other souvenirs.

Now, if they had a set full-day price for pass-holders to use a locker that was say $4-$5?
I could handle that but I'm not going to pay $2 or more every hour to have the things I just bought (at premium park prices) sit in a metal box. That's upwards of $20 if you ride Fury even once an hour and stay all day...
I would just as soon not buy any souvenirs. And that is very unfortunate.

you could just go put that stuff in the car instead of carrying it around.
chknwing wrote:
redrunner97 wrote:
My concern isn't so much what I'm bringing into the park, but what I acquire at the park.

If I pay $20 for a souvenir cup, then I have to pay $2 per hour to store it, I don't think that's very fair.
Same thing goes with basketballs, or clothing, or glasses, or any other souvenirs.

Now, if they had a set full-day price for pass-holders to use a locker that was say $4-$5?
I could handle that but I'm not going to pay $2 or more every hour to have the things I just bought (at premium park prices) sit in a metal box. That's upwards of $20 if you ride Fury even once an hour and stay all day...
I would just as soon not buy any souvenirs. And that is very unfortunate.

you could just go put that stuff in the car instead of carrying it around.

But what if I want to wear my Fury glasses, or I want to continue to drink out my Fury cup?

I'm not completely against the lockers at all, I just really want a more cost-friendly solution for the people, like all of us, who will very likely be spending a large chunk of the season at the park. That way it's a win-win for the park and the "fanbase"/pass-holders. I think the lockers will do wonders for capacity, especially once the GP gets warmed up to the idea -something that hasn't been customary in the past (seeing as most rides have bins).
By Edwardo
uscbfan, my suggestion, since that's a very important question, is to contact the park directly. No one here can speak for them and suggesting this or that or speculating is no good. I'm sure if you email the park they can give you the correct info. I'd also mention it to staff in person :-).
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By Jonathan
I don't mind the idea of improving capacity by utilizing a locker system, but I think they should be free or built into the cost of admission. It's the extra nickle and diming that people aren't aware of before arriving at the park that annoys me, because it's essentially a mandatory fee for people who have to bring some sort of bag or loose articles into the park. Sure, you could choose not to ride Fury as an alternative, but it's one of the main reasons people will visit the park so it's not really much of a choice.
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By chknwing
Jonathan wrote:I don't mind the idea of improving capacity by utilizing a locker system, but I think they should be free or built into the cost of admission. It's the extra nickle and diming that people aren't aware of before arriving at the park that annoys me, because it's essentially a mandatory fee for people who have to bring some sort of bag or loose articles into the park. Sure, you could choose not to ride Fury as an alternative, but it's one of the main reasons people will visit the park so it's not really much of a choice.

While I completely agree with what you are saying, the flip side is people would take advantage of free lockers and not pay to use the others throughout the park making the lockers by Fury full 100% of the time. You still would have no where to put your stuff.
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By Jonathan
This is easily avoided with a timed system that is used at other parks, limiting the locker to say two hours of use. The other rides don't restrict bags in line and the water park is far enough away that the lockers would be useless for it, so I'm not sure why that would be a problem at all.
That's one thing I love about universal. All their rides have lockers, well most that leave the ground, and they are free. The amount of free time depends on the length of the line.
Edwardo wrote:uscbfan, my suggestion, since that's a very important question, is to contact the park directly. No one here can speak for them and suggesting this or that or speculating is no good. I'm sure if you email the park they can give you the correct info. I'd also mention it to staff in person :-).

Yes, i may have to do just that. (It's not like a fanny pack is going to come off)
FuryFever wrote:I'm seeing alot about lockers here and I'm a little confused.Are they getting rid of the bins that you store your belongings in as you are riding?

I believe Fury is going to have pay lockers over bins to speed up the line process. Personally, I would rather have free bins and just wait in line longer. The line for Intimidator from what I have seen still moves at a quick pace.
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