General Carowinds discussion
This just makes me appreciate even more the Knoebels and Kennywoods of the world that have successfully operated profitable businesses for many many decades while respecting and preserving their past so that children can enjoy some of the same classic rides that their parents and grandparents did.
BelowThePeak wrote:Super disappointed but not too surprised - I've learned to expect the worst in these types of situations. I'm just extremely disappointed that a GM that the Carowinds community has put on a pedestal is at least in part behind this decision.

We should take out Thunderhawk for revenge. :twisted:
Just based on my own personal observations, a vast majority of the comments on the Carowinds fb page doesn't seem to be too happy about this either, so it can't just be the "fanbase" that's displeased. This really is an overwhelming head-scratcher for me. Thunder Road is a classic, and was probably one of -if not the first- rollercoaster most kids from North and South Carolina ever rode. (Hell, It was my mom's first, and she rode it with Donnie and Marie Osmond!) It's really unfortunate that this is happening.

The management has to know that this isn't a decision that will go over very well, so either the payoff will be worth it (more so than we can even imagine) or there's more to the story than we know. I find it hard to believe that a waterpark expansion takes priority over preserving the best wooden (and furthermore one of the best in general) roller coasters at the park.

I won't be the one to bring up RMC, but that would be the only reasonable reason to rip out such a classic Carolina icon, IMO. And since I find that unlikely (to say the least), this announcement really bums me out. :(
Last edited by redrunner97 on May 23rd, 2015, 3:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Take a xanax cheech. You have questioned my love for TR with splicing sentences. Good for you. Hanging on to the past while the world goes by is not my mantra. I appreciate the coaster for what it was, not what it is now. I cant wait for the future of Carowinds. Kudos to Cedar Fair for having a vision. Not most parks get this kind of attention.
KingHippo1 wrote:I'll be the first to Wile E. Coyote that coaster to the ground. It's had a good run but I cant wait to see whats next. Plus the new generation dont appreciate it like we do. But to us it will become folklore. May the Cedar Fair gods be good to us for sacrificing our wooden gold.

We? :roll:

Better? You think you are being funny talking about "Cedar Fair gods" but the truth is, a lot of us are hurt. We are losing something close to us and you are joking about "sacrificing our wooden gold." You are not funny right now. No one thinks you are.
Well I apologize if I offended anyone or hurt anybodys feelings. In my opinion, I think its a good idea for it to go. Thats my personal feeling toward the matter. Hopefully we will get blessed with something truly great in its place by Cedar Fair. I cant clean it up any better than that.
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