General Carowinds discussion
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By Jarsh
Mark your calendars! Saturday, August 29 has been confirmed for the Max Cannon Coaster Classic.
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By Jarsh
We have revised the date for the event to be Sunday, July 26 to coincide with the final operating day of Thunder Road.
RollerBee wrote:Josh, would it be possible to save a seat for Max on the last train of night?

He hated thunder road...and PTC trains...
Is there an official sign up for this? This is the first year I have planned to attend the event...Any details would be helpful! :D
^There will be when it gets closer to the event. Jarsh is great about keeping us in the loop for when registration opens and when the deadlines for signing up are. It'll be cheaper if you're an ACE member, but if you don't want to join, you can go as a guest of a member.
Tawny71 wrote:Last year, it was $30 for ACE Members with a season pass, and $35 for non-ACE members without a season pass.
It was $65 and $70 for non-season Passholder members and guests, respectively.

(Source: last year's event flyer

Did you mean with a season pass?

Also yay I'm probably going to actually go this year after several years of trying and failing!
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