General Carowinds discussion
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By RiDeWaRrIoR
Yea I believe its that type of ride... Guessing it will go somewhere near the action theatre maybe? Maybe where thunder roads station was or something?
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By arby
I do trust that this was taken without trespassing on the property? That angle makes it questionable although possible.
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By Jarsh
This would have to be an inside job... There is no way with security like they are and the gates where they are to get this shot without getting caught. This looks to be taken from the area beside the Paladium. That's the first drop on bottom and the hop over it up top with the left edge of the helix in the background.

I believe this is where the parts are stored at:
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By arby
Perfect! Good observation, Jarsh and Tarheel1231. I thought it was placed elsewhere but I see it now.
By RollerBee
I found this on the Mecklenburg County Webpermit site but it is most likely for Starbucks. It is a separate permit from weeks ago for the Starbucks building shell however.
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By Sean978
I know Cedar Fair said "Heavy Investments", but, a 4D ride, complete water park renovation, Fury, better food, everything else, AND a new flat? We are moving into the Golden age of Carowinds! :D :D :D :D
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By gabed
:shock: Well that came out of nowhere. Was definitely not expecting a flat ride too! Do you think they're trying to make it secret attraction?
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