General Carowinds discussion
By sclisso
Pretty excited about this news. I've always thought Carowinds could use some flats. I missed getting shockwave at Canada's wonderland, so It's good to see I'll be able to try one of these still.

One thing's for certain, Cedar Fair isn't playing around with Carowinds anymore, and they're definitely getting good money in return. So excited I moved down this way just in time for all of this. =D
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By RiDeWaRrIoR
I was just watching a video of shockwave at Canada's Wonderland. The ride looks pretty fun, not as wild as I thought it was, I think the seats actually spin upside down more than what it looks like they do... Still going to be a nice addition to County Fair for sure.

On another note... I just loaded the webcam and it facing towards windseeker etc. now... I wonder why they moved it.... Maybe they are hiding more rides near Fury.... :clap:
By SROS Master
Maybe its so we can watch the water park under construction?

Also Shockwave is a wilder ride than it looks. There are a few moments where the ride can get super crazy.
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By RiDeWaRrIoR
It might be, just thought they may move the camera closer for that. I was hoping to hear that its a lot more intense than it looks. That is the case with a lot of flat rides IMO...
By Capler
RiDeWaRrIoR wrote:It might be, just thought they may move the camera closer for that. I was hoping to hear that its a lot more intense than it looks. That is the case with a lot of flat rides IMO...

I watched a video of one and the author did say it is a lot more intense than it looks. Looking at it operate, it does not look like much.
By SROS Master
I think the reason why it doesn’t look like much when it operates, is due to how big the ride is. The ride is a mix of feeling like your flying around a little, to suddenly feeling like your being dragged into a current.
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By Gerstlauerguy
RiDeWaRrIoR wrote:It might be, just thought they may move the camera closer for that. I was hoping to hear that its a lot more intense than it looks. That is the case with a lot of flat rides IMO...

wait where are the pieces exactly? i cant seem to find them. or im too lazy lol
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By tarheel1231
Gerstlauerguy wrote:
RiDeWaRrIoR wrote:It might be, just thought they may move the camera closer for that. I was hoping to hear that its a lot more intense than it looks. That is the case with a lot of flat rides IMO...

wait where are the pieces exactly? i cant seem to find them. or im too lazy lol

They were near the base of Fury's drop but the webcam moved and you can't see them anymore.
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By Gerstlauerguy
tarheel1231 wrote:
Gerstlauerguy wrote:
RiDeWaRrIoR wrote:It might be, just thought they may move the camera closer for that. I was hoping to hear that its a lot more intense than it looks. That is the case with a lot of flat rides IMO...

wait where are the pieces exactly? i cant seem to find them. or im too lazy lol

They were near the base of Fury's drop but the webcam moved and you can't see them anymore.

ohhh ok. i thought he meant they moved the pieces by windseeker
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By chknwing
tarheel1231 wrote:Does [s]Jarvis[/s] anyone have an idea on when they plan to announce the new flat?

my guess, when its the best time to max season pass sales.
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By coasterbruh
tarheel1231 wrote:Does [s]Jarvis[/s] anyone have an idea on when they plan to announce the new flat?

Any idea???
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