General Carowinds discussion
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By coasterbruh
tarheel1231 wrote:Shut up shut up shut up I may have found something!!!! :D

:clap: nah, i'll do it . . . again :clap:
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By tarheel1231
From Wikipedia:

There do seem to be a lot of Copperheads around this region...
Last edited by tarheel1231 on April 14th, 2018, 10:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
By Flarsen
Copperhead. Mmm Copper. Could be implying a steel coaster or a RMC. Also Copperhead Strike refers to how most venomous snakes including the Copperhead strike without any warning, launch?
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By coasterbruh
Copper is not steel . . . But coasters (and colors) can be.

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By tarheel1231
That Valravn reddish-brown was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the trademark. CF must really love that color because Wonderland's coaster has the same color track.
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By coasterbruh
I wonder if GCI can make that color look as good on wood . . .
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By gabed
If that’s the name it’ll take some time to grow on my, but at least there’s no numbers in the name! :clap: Granted like Tarheel said, it would make a lot more sense to give the name to CW
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By tarheel1231
I was just saying Cedar Fair has been using reddish-brown a lot lately. They can't really give the name to Canada's Wonderland because it's in Canada....
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By coasterbruh
Like . . . This???
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By arby
I love the name Copperhead Strike. We have a lot of copperheads in the Carolinas so at least it fits.

I'm still trying to spot my first Cobra here. :lol:
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By redrunner97
I really hope it's a launch coaster with that name. Wood just doesn't make a ton of sense. I'd be more than satisfied if it turns out to be a GCI, but come on... who doesn't want to hear "Copperhead Strikes... Now!" before this bad boy launches out of the station?! :!:
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By arby
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By dabrian
arby wrote:I love the name Copperhead Strike. We have a lot of copperheads in the Carolinas so at least it fits.

I'm still trying to spot my first Cobra here. :lol:

And let's hope we never do spot a "Carolina Cobra"
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By tarheel1231
Idk, I'd be more scared of cobras that can fly but each to their own.

Somebody call up Vekoma. Or at least Ride Centerline. I'd love to have something along the lines of this:

This would be fun too:

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