Everyone, please read our rules. I'm not going to put up with violations of rules and may ban anyone breaking these rules as I consider this post to be my warning. We are not like other sites and expect our forums to be friendly and civil.
http://carowindsconnection.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=2654In particular these three rules need to be reviewed by some:
1. Being a Jerk: Do not post messages that harass, insult, belittle, threaten, or mock other members. Debates are fine and even encouraged, but you must critique the opinion, not the person.
2. Trolling: Do not post topics with the sole purpose of starting a dispute. Disagreeing with an opinion is not trolling. Even if a person has an opinion that seems illogical or senseless to you, they have the right to express that opinion, and you must respect it even if you disagree.
9. Insider Information: Claims of insider information will be allowed at the discretion of the administrators based on credibility and history. However, if you are posting something that could get you in trouble, do not assume your identity is secret here. Additionally, unsubstantial posts that do nothing but flaunt inside knowledge (or false claims of inside knowledge) are not allowed.