- December 8th, 2003, 10:08 pm
This was sent to me in an email, and the author requested to remain anonymous.
The name of the new coaster is "the borg"
Now that that's over with...
How about addressing one of the worst days in park history which occurred a
couple of weeks ago. Approximately 22 full-time Carowinds employees were
laid off, in what the new general manager, Rob Rankin, calls a "focus on
front line employees." What was not said in the press release was that
much of the staff had 20 or more years dedicated to the park. There were
even a couple with 32 years in, now leaving the park with no members who
had been there since the park opened. These managers were
professionals. They knew how the park operated, and they knew what the
Carolinas wanted and needed in an amusement park. They also provided the
Carolinas with one of the safest records in the amusement park industry
-worldwide. Rob may be able to get away with this kind of action in Santa
Clara, where there are more students, and entertainment -seeking employees
who can easily step up to a seasonal management position, but here in the
east, he's got a much more difficult task ahead. Replacing these
professionals with seasonal management isn't fair to the full time members
working with them, the seasonal replacements themselves, nor the customers
in which they serve. Those positions were year round jobs, which include
medical and retirement benefits, and it's not fair to the seasonal
management to do the same job for less. Paramount Parks has made a poor
decision with this action. Those managers were fellow Carolinians, and
Paramount Parks has just demonstrated how important Carolinians are.
Jonathan, I apologize for the "tone" I may have placed in this email. I
enjoy your site very much. Your site is an example that Carowinds has
brought something enjoyable to your life as it has many. I just hate to
see such a poor decision by Paramount Parks affect something that so many
Carolinians have come to enjoy.
I would prefer to remain anonymous, however any discussions regarding the
above topics would be encouraged. Thanks.