Everything else goes here, including discussion of parks outside of Carowinds and any off-topic discussion
So another month rolls by and another ghost hunt is in the books. The month of April has me traveling to the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in Weston, WV. This is a massive place to say the least. It contains a number of buildings but the Hunt that I was doing tonight was in the main building on all four floors. It was an investigation to remember to say the least.

The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, subsequently the Weston State Hospital, operated from 1864 until 1994 when it was closed down. The hospital's main building is one of the largest hand-cut stone masonry buildings in the United States, and, as Weston Hospital Main Building, was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1990. Originally designed to house 250 patients in solitude, the hospital held 717 patients by 1880; 1,661 in 1938; over 1,800 in 1949; and, at its peak, 2,400 in the 1950s in overcrowded conditions. With overcrowding came neglect and mistreatment in a series of reports by The Charleston Gazette in 1949 found poor sanitation and insufficient furniture, lighting, and heating in much of the complex.

It was a known fact that you could drop your wife, husband, or any relative off and the hospital would pay you money for checking them in. Alot of these people where not insane but after staying awhile they lost all grasps of time along with the sanity that they did have. Alot of these people either died here or in some cases where killed some of the other patients at the hospital.

This is the main building and the part that the Ghost Hunt will be taken place this evening.

This is looking across and up the West Fork River

This is an old mill located across the river from the Hospital and the the Town of Weston is beyond the mill.

This is the info board that gives a brief and grim history of the place.

This is the Medical Building which is also located on the property. Note the house behind it is someone's house. Would be great to live beside a haunted hospital if you ask me.

I took this right before going into the building as the sun was going down.

The fourth floor was the first stop of the evening. This is where the non violents where kept. But that was not always the case as the mental state of some of them went south.

This is the spot that some of us had a unique experience with what we where told is a female spirit that does not like men. Those that know me know sometimes I try to be funny but I said something that I do not think whatever was present did not like. I took a step after saying it and the next thing I knew I was laying on the floor thinking I tripped over something but found nothing that I could have tripped over. Was one of those 'WOW" moments I had that night.

I took this pic after getting up from my fall.

These closet where in almost every room that I went into. This was where everything that the person owned was keep. It was said if you get a closet then you get it for life as alot of people where took out of here feet first.

What would a ghost hunt be without a picture of the Bathroom?

This is the first floor of the Asylum that was started before the Civil War and is the oldest part of the place.

Here is pic for all you ORB followers.

The part of the Civil War Wing is where the children where keep.

This is the Kitchen Area on the first floor. You can go in hear and ask the chef what he is cooking. He has been known to tell you but be forewarned he has been dead for over 50 years now. I asked but nothing showed up on EVPs.

This area was where someone had some Dowsing Rods and talk about a great encounter. We where told that there are a number of spirits in this room that are friendly but one is not to happy when people come in asking questions. On a EVP we where told to 'Get the Hell Out'. Yea we left out of the room right after that.

this is Lilley's Room. She is a playful 9 year old who likes to play with these balls or play a music box for you. She was not that active the time I was in here. People have asked here to play her music box for them and she does. To this day noone has found it.

A group of us where walking down this hall when we heard a strange sound. It seem to get louder as we walked down the hall. Everyone else was looking and ready to run. I found a clock ticking was making the noise.

They say sitting on this bed sometimes make strange things take place. Well me being me. I decided to lay down on it to get the full effect of it. Nothing took place for afew minutes and something felt like it kicked the bed. I did jump off the bed in a hurry to say the least. Everyone that was hanging around me took off as fast as they could out of the room. I just turned around and began looking around the bed and saw nothing at all. So the next thing was to look under the bed to see if the bed was a gag. While I was under the bed, one big guy came back in to see if I was ok and saw me under the bed and he hit the floor. He fainted since he though whatever it was had grabbed me and was pulling me under the bed. I think once he came to he decided to pack his tiys and go home. He said I was one crazy SOB.

Welcome to the second floor. this is where the elderly where keep.

The second floor also was where the staff stayed that lived there so time to clock in.

Welcome to the restored doctor's lounge

This is the ward where some of the most dangerous woman where kept. Walk down here is a eerie feeling of being watched. This is located on the third floor.

These where on the windows so that noone could either escape or jump to their death.

This was where the most Dangerous men where kept. Noticed the doors are alot stronger for good reason.

Nothing needs to explain what this area was for.

As the time was winding down we got a chance to explore the are that you where took when a Lobotomy was preformed.

Another pic for you ORB lovers out there!

This place was a shear goldmine of Activity. i am still going through the Audio I took. I will be returning on Saturday June 5th for a follow up investigation. I can not wait to see what new things I come across.

Full pictures:http://www.flickr.com/photos/coasterdave/sets/72157623905782302/
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By PhantomCat
This is so interesting to me that you go to these places.

It is apparent that you have not looked closer at your photos to see that you've captured orbs galore - especially in your last photo. Count from the top down and look closer at photos #7, #9,#12,#13, #14, #15, #17, #25, #27 and especially #28.

I know you plan to investigate more throughly when you return home and I do have faith that you would have found all the orbs then, but for now, I just wanted to point them out to you.
Good job man. Great thread!
Sorry for not getting back with you sooner but a major project at work has took up alot of my time. Will be glad to see June 18th come and go. Anyway......

I am not that sure about Orbs. I would say that 99 percent of Orbs can be dismissed as dust, bugs, particles in the air, etc. I am in no way saying that some of the Orbs in the above picture are not Paranormal. Will say that they make some really great pics and good conversation though and sorry I missed your earlier reply. Maybe some others can weigh in on the Orb thing and tell me their views of them.

I will be doing a follow up on Trans Allegheny on Sat June 5th. I will be taking some new toys with me on that trip such as an Inferred Camera and Camcorder. I hope the place is pretty active as it was on my last visit.

I do have afew more Public Investigation coming up in the near future and will try to post pics from each one I do. Seems that the more hunts I do the less time I spend traveling for parks and riding coasters. I could always try to see if I can Investigate Parks in the future that way I could do both but not at the same time though. Cameras and EMF Meters are not allowed on coasters. Wonder if Carowinds has afew ghost around there. Maybe some of you can shine some lights on that one. Would make a great story for the park around Halloween Haunt!
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By PhantomCat
coasterdave wrote:I am not that sure about Orbs. I would say that 99 percent of Orbs can be dismissed as dust, bugs, particles in the air, etc. I am in no way saying that some of the Orbs in the above picture are not Paranormal. Will say that they make some really great pics and good conversation...

You can't dismiss the fact that they show up on film as well. And what about the pics you took right before the orb shots and the ones right after. Unless you clean your lens right before every shot, and I don't know of anyone who does that, I'd say they are worth a deeper investigation. Dust flying around during a photo does not show up with an outer circle nor does it have a faint glow around it. A speck of dust or lent on your lens would show up on every photo in the same area on every picture until it is cleaned off.

You sound a little like the guys on SiFi's Ghost Hunters. Just because they found a little something out of the ordinary realm of hauntings, or a little something they weren't looking for, they write it off as nothing. What I've learned in life, just because a person writes something off doesn't make it any lest of what it is. It is what it is. You've got to admit it, orbs do not show up on every photo in the world. If the problem is dust, then we should see it on every photo in the world, especially outdoor shots, because if there is one thing the world is full of, it is dust.
For peeps reading pleasure on the Orb things:


no offense but I never said I dismiss the idea did I? I might go on Ghost Hunts but when and if I find something the Paranormal Investigator takes over. I will try to debunk anything that I see or hear. I will try everything to disprove it and if I can not then I will say yes it was Paranormal.
Thats awesome that you go on 'ghost hunts'. The show on the discovery channel was one of my favorite shows to watch (forgot what its called now) and its crazy some of the things that happen in the places they go, especially when they take the sound recorders and slow it down and you can hear what appears to be someone talking, crazy stuff! Hope your next trip allows you to find something nice, it was crazy that you fell and there was nothing to trip over, thats nuts. Anyways, be sure to post what happens at your next trip I enjoyed reading and looking at all of your pictures about this trip.
Thanks for gander at this topic still folks. I have a return visit to Trans-Allegheny on June 5th. I will be at the place almost all day and all night. I am doing a photo tour of the place in the morning with a break from about 1pm till 8pm to catch some rest before heading back for another overnighter in the place. I have added alot of new things to take and use this trip from Infrared Cameras to IR Camcorders to grid lasers.

But this coming weekend is a trip to Moundsville Prison in West Virginia for an overnighter followed by a stop at Camden Park on the way home. As with every new place I explore I like doing the research on the place and the area. I like to think that I tend to learn abit of history with each place I go.

I think I have a hunt almost every weekend from this weekend on I think. There might be a week that I might get a break but if something comes along with the group I am with then you can bet on I will take it. But the thing that I am looking forward to is a return to Waverly Hills on the 30th of June. There will be only 12 people there and not the 50 that where there in March. Going to have alot of stuff to look over the next few weeks.

As soon as I can figure out this YOUTUBE thing then I will post my EVPs I got so bear with me.
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By PhantomCat
June 30, hummm... That's also the last day for the infamous Eastland Mall in Charlotte, NC.

How do you get to stay overnight in these places?
Who do you call?
Are property owners more opened to ghost hunters and psychics?

I remember the night when SyFy's Ghost Hunters were exploring a haunted site and streaming live on the Internet. I was right there, typing in my observations with the rest of the public.
I love your new interactions with your fans. You better continue to keep us posted, sir, or your ratings will plummet.
ALot of the real famous haunted places have sites that you can go to to either get a number to call or sign up online. These places charge you a fee to stay overnight and the money goes to restoring the various areas. I know the grand plan for Waverly is turning it into a hotel while leaving the third and fourth floor as is. Here are afew sites that I was refering to:


Since i have joined this Paranormal Group and hunted places to investigate I have found that some property owners welcome Paranormal Investigations but you do have alot that are not really interested in letting people have access to what they own. I have found out that hitting some of the known areas that have activity around where I live has been alot of no thanks. Some places have been burnt by groups and it closes the door on any other groups, The old saying that one bad apple spoils the bunch fits.

If anyone knows of a place where they live that might be open to letting a team in then by all means let me know. B
User avatar
By PhantomCat
Thank you so much for the info. I will be checking out those links later. I believe the second link is the place based on the movie "The Shining."
On your post investigation, listed right before this one, where I told you about my parents haunted home, I would have loved for you to have come out and investigated before I cleaned the place out of the uninvited guest. Did you real that post reply?
User avatar
By PhantomCat
Go back and read you last Paranormal investigation thread on the Waverly Hills Sanatorium. That is were I said everything I did. It sure is interesting. Please go back and read it.

P.S. That's the thread where I waited for your reply but never got one. That is why I asked you on this thread, "Did you not reply to your fans?"