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By arby
Over Thanksgiving we had an opportunity to knock off one of my bucket list items, Walt Disney World during Christmas time. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy. If you would like to read the entire photo trip report you can find it here. There are many more pictures in the report than I posted here. Enjoy!

There are always great views of Cinderella's Castle, even from the monorail.

Who doesn't love Disney balloons?

Worth the credit. Not worth the 150 minute standby time.

Merry Christm to you too.

"It's extremely catchy yet super annoying but you can't stop signing the song" after all.


Cinderella's Castle all decked out.
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By MarkD
WDW is awesome this time of year. As I visit every other year just before Thanksgiving. I trust you had a ton of fun.

The last time I was there I took a similar picture but from the rear. As I am a smoker I was in the smoking area and snapped a picture of the castle. Unknown to me at the time some smoke showed up on the picture. I liked it, kind of artsy, so I keep it as a background.

Smokey Castle
By Tawny71
I always love your trip reports! I'm not a Disney person, but I'm glad you all had a good time!
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By arby
That is a great shot, MarkD! WDW is certainly beautiful this time of year.

We're not Disney people either, Tawny71, but I still keep at least one of their parks in my top 10. We won't be back to WDW until after the Land of Avatar opens in [s]2018[/s] 2020. :wink:

EDIT: Truth be told - we went because I'm a credit whore and I had 3 outstanding credits at WDW. :lol: We've been waiting FOREVER for the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train to open.
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By cwgator
Count me in the group of those that aren't Disney people either....and I live 90 minutes from there I've only been to Animal Kingdom and that was in 2008 when I still lived in Savannah (GA). You think I'd take advantage of these FL resident deals they offer from time to time, but they always have them when we aren't able to go or they have too many blackout days involved (when we could go). Anyways, nice pics and I would like to get my coaster credits from the remaining parks since I only have the one I was able to ride (Expedition Everest....Primeval whirl had a 2 hour line.....yeah
By Edwardo
I love Disney parks. I'm planning a Florida trip in March to visit family and parks.
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By arby
Since at least two of their parks continually stay in my top 10 list of parks, I guess you could say that we like Disney parks. We always have a good time when we go to Disney. It's hard not to when surrounded by Mickey. :)