General Carowinds discussion
By coastermom2
until Mom learned how to SNAP!!! Then it scared him.
("Mommy stop! You're gonna make us hit the trees!")
Gosh that was fun. It really adds a new dimension to an already
fun ride. We rode them last night and again today.
I've found my new favorite ride :D

Last night we had the great pleasure of meeting Foreseer and
BGWfreak in line for the Flying Dutchman and got to ride with
them. (Great meeting you guys!)

Now if only I can drag my kids back tomorrow..... :P
By Cephas
I snapped, once...

One thing that I couldn't figure out with the flyers, was that I kept finding myself stuck way high up (like above the cover of the waiting line) and I couldn't get back down to do any snapping.

What I like best about snapping is how your flung fowards really, really quickly, thats very scary.
By Carowinds44
I went today with coastercrazy and we had the snapping down. It was awesome! I'm going to have withdrawel symptons all week. Definitely a great addition to the park. The best part was how they encouraged the snapping!! I was afraid they wouldn't allow it but when we rode it, the ops came by telling us he wanted to see some big air! Absolutely great ride and day!
By coasterdude324
I dont wan't to sound like an idiot, but what the heck is snapping. I dont get it.
By coastermom2
Yes, the ride op kept yelling "Higher! Higher! C'mon get higher!"

BTW I saw a bunch of enthusiasts from this site on the flyers just as we got in line.
(one of you was wearing a shirt that said "Whootah")
I thought you all were gonna "snap" that ride right off the ground. Some of the people in line didn't know what was happening and were a bit frightened. :lol:
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By coasterbruh
coasterdude324 wrote:I dont wan't to sound like an idiot, but what the heck is snapping. I dont get it.

I get it!! And I get it alot!!

Hope you guys had fun today! I opted out to go today and work. Tomorrow im off to SFoG to take advantage of my season pass there!!
By coastermom2
coasterdude324 wrote:I dont wan't to sound like an idiot, but what the heck is snapping. I dont get it.

Go back in the forums to a thread titled "NEW Phantom Flyer pics
and more...." and scroll down. Jonathan and Swampfox wrote a pretty
good explanation of it.
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By Jonathan
Now you all see why I've been going nuts over this all offseason. I might even have to stop by again tomorrow morning for a few spins on my way back to Raleigh.
By RollrCoastrCrazy
As Carowinds44 said earlier.... I AM ADDICTED TO THE FLYERS. I surprisingly got a good snap in my first ride, and my 30+ rides after that really improved my skill. I think I only left the flyer area for maybe 2 hours of my 10 hour day! I'm not going to get anything done at school thinking about snapping lol.... hmmm this is bad. In the morning I met Johnathan and some other people from Carowinds Connection, good times. This is the best addition since Top Gun to our park, by far.

BTW.... that guy who kept yelling at us to "Get Higher!" is the best ride op ever! I put in a good comment for him at the guest services.
By Cephas
Ah, yes, I also saw the gang over by the flyers, I think I was behind Jonathan on my 2nd ride...
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By bgwfreak
The group got in line for the flyers again and I had to have a potty break so I went and came back and sat down and watched and waited for the group to ride.

When they did it was hillarious. The whole thing was snapping except for a few exceptions.

To help the "newbie" snappers here's what I do most of the time and it seems to work for me.

When the ride first starts up start moving the rudder back and forth to start swing out a little.

Once you really get going the idea is to get the tub to "bottom out" on the ground with your rudder pointing left (inward towards the ride) once you feel the cables pop and it seems like you stop dead in the air, then whip the rudder right (away from the ride) you'll be propelled out really fast.

Once you get that going, you can pretty much stay in a rythm. I'm new to it and I snapped all of my last 5 times riding it I think, with the exception of maybe one time.

It's funny flying over the tops of peoples heads out there in the park. :D
By RollerBee
On my first ride a little after ten, Jay and ya'll were behind me. I got a picture of ya'll. Ya'll hung out at the flyers almost day.
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By AMartin777
Yes, the Whootah Crew was definitely living it up and snapping away! I had a great day and was glad the weather held out! Thanks to Dave for showing too!

We met up with alot of people from the boards and hit all the other rides as well. (We even got Jay on Vortex! :D )

RollerCoasterCrazy took the prize though, we was at the flyers EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY! Dude, you are seriously addicted!

BTW - If you havn't caught Dora's Train Adventure yet, I HIGHLY recommend it. One of the best rides Carowinds has ever had. <_<


Videos will be on there way soon! Phil and I will be working on that in the next few weeks!
By coasterdude89
I can't wait untill I get to go to the park. O wanted to go so badly today, but my parents had other things to do and said no. Only 5 more months till I get my license! Yeh!

EDIT: Just noticed something, we have a new member (coasterdude324) Welcome to the boards. I hope you enjoy your time here like I do. Just don't get us confused!
By RollerBee
When I rode the train, they were fliming something, I assumed it was for TV as Scott was there.

Hey, ya'll ID yourself in this picture.
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
I see Jay.

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